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Moderation & Its Importance

     Most of us have heard the phrase, “everything in moderation,” but do we practice what we preach?  Moderation can be a difficult task when it involves something enjoyable.  This is more apparent when addictive personalities are thrown into the mix.  When people overindulge, they can often form bad habits or neglect their responsibilities.  Video games, for example, can get out of hand quite easily if the person does not moderate time spent; disorganized sleep schedules, not eating or drinking enough, forgetting to do daily chores, etc.  Moreso, an addiction can prevent personal development by putting time into the addiction rather than goal progression.  Moderation gives us the opportunity to have fun without our lives revolving around a single activity.
     Whether it is drinking, smoking, playing video games, or some other activity, moderation is the key.  We deserve to enjoy ourselves every once in a while but not at the cost of our lives.  When we are consumed by a single item, it is often difficult to change for the better.  Time is wasted by spending too much on something potentially damaging in high doses.  Often times, we understand what we are doing is either a waste of time, pointless, or unproductive.  We seem not to care, however, because the feeling of enjoyment we receive is addicting.  The more we partake, the longer the feeling lasts, but this does not last forever.  Later on, you feel as if you have wasted time on something detrimental to your personal development.  However, the feeling of enjoyment can have a strong hold.  Because of this, even though we understand what we are doing is wrong, we go right back to it.
     Moderation will aid in beating this type of addiction.  Rather than quitting cold turkey, having overwhelming urges and going right back to it, moderation allows us to ease out of the cycle.  It does this by giving us a slice of what we enjoy rather than the entire cake.  Drinking, for example, can be a fun activity as long as you limit yourself to how much you drink.  This not only applies to how much you drink per day but also the number of times per week.  The same logic can be applied to any activity.  As long as you limit yourself to a certain amount of time and stick to it, you are then limiting the levels of enjoyment the brain receives.  The more you do this, the less of a hold the activity has and the addiction can slowly break down.
     The difficulties of moderation vary from person to person.  Some may have an easier time than others and/or have more willpower to limit themselves.  However, do not feel discouraged if you try and fail.  The road to success is filled with failed attempts.  As long as you continue to moderate your intakes, you are making progress.  You will eventually see a difference and feel good knowing you are more in control of your mind and actions.

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Have anything to add?  Let me know how you feel in the comments! ✏️

🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'You Need To Calm Down' by Taylor Swift!
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