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3 Reasons to Incorporate Breaks Into Your Daily Routine

     Something as simple as a break can be overlooked easily.  Today's fast-paced society can be strenuous to keep up with.  It is no wonder why people can forget to get away from their work and relax.  However, people need to realize that without breaks, productivity can decrease, we can feel overworked, and our focus diminishes.  So, as a reminder to all of those hard-working folks out there who forget to think of themselves from time to time, here are three reasons to incorporate breaks into your daily routine.
1. Breaks Can Increase Focus
     We can sometimes get so invested in our work that tunnel vision kicks in.  When this happens, we seldom stop what we are doing and 'focus' on the end goal of our projects.  This, ironically, can lead to a poor work performance.  Tunnel vision can cloud our minds and judgement, making us focus on getting the project done rather than the minor details.  As a result, mistakes increase but are overlooked or forgotten.  Therefore, we end up with a finished product with multiple blemishes that could have been avoided.
     The reason why breaks are so useful is because they get us out of tunnel vision.  We focus on something else, such as eating, drinking, or entertainment, for a short time to clear our heads.  When we do return to the task at hand, our focus moves back towards what is important, the small details, which truly matter.  Mistakes become less frequent and our finished product is more polished.
2. Breaks Can Lower Stress
     Everyone gets stressed from time to time, especially when it comes to projects, deadlines, and work-related errors.  Some people believe that throwing themselves into their work and powering through it is the answer.  However, this can not only increase stress levels, but can lead to more mistakes.  Without a proper break, we are not giving ourselves the recuperation necessary to work productively or efficiently.  The focus is always on what needs to get done and the consequences of not completing the task.  People need to realize that breaks provide us time to relax, get our minds off of work, and calm down.  When we return to our work, we feel energized and better equipped to complete it rather than rushing to get it done.  Some stress may remain, but the break should be useful in lowering it to manageable levels.
3. Breaks Can Provide The Motivation to Continue
     The work we do can be difficult, and sometimes we may feel like giving up.  Most of the time this is due to people working themselves to the bone and putting their work before themselves.  If this sounds like you, it is no wonder why you feel like giving up.  We need to put ourselves before our work from time to time, which includes taking breaks to gather our thoughts.  Breaks can provide us with the motivation to continue.  Without breaks, we feel overworked, stressed, and overthink about how difficult the task is.  By getting our mind off of our work, when we return it does not seem as daunting as it was previously.  We then feel more productive and confident in our abilities.  So, remember to take a break every now and again to increase your motivation and succeed at whatever it is you are doing!

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Have anything to add?  Let me know how you feel in the comments! ✏️

🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'Toes' by Zac Brown Band!
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