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5 Tips for Bodily Maintenance

     Our quality of life decreases the moment we stop taking care of ourselves.  We need to remember to maintain our bodies so we can function properly and enjoy life.  Sometimes, this can seem difficult, but it is not impossible.  Here are 5tips for bodily maintenance.
1. Exercise Regularly
     The benefits of exercise outshine whatever reasons people may have not to exercise.  Not only does physical activity provide an energy boost, but you feel great afterward.  It is a confidence booster, especially when sticking to a routine and beginning to see your body change.  Exercise is also a way to improve your productivity through various means including; getting up early, increased motivation, and sticking to a routine.  These are all skills that can be applied to projects outside of exercise. 
     Exercise does not take long to perform either.  Most people go to the gym and work out for an hour or less.  A single hour to look great, have more energy and feel productive.  I highly recommend working out either in the early morning or after work.  Doing so early in the morning will allow you to get the exercise out of the way to enjoy the rest of the day.  Early morning exercise also aids in building a routine where you get up early and are productive before the majority of the population.  Lastly, the energy boost received is something coffee can hardly keep up with. 
     Exercising in the afternoon, something I am accustomed to helps in reenergizing yourself after a long day’s work.  This can be beneficial if you are someone who sits in an office all day.  One hour of exercise or less can get rid of the groggy feeling people get after work and make relaxation feel more like a reward.  The energy gained can also be used to work on projects you may have been putting off; housework, personal projects, goals, etc.  Also, you will have a more restful sleep because of how exhausted you will feel come bedtime.  No matter what routine you choose, as long as you are exercising, the benefits will reveal themselves, and you will thank yourself later.
2. Medical & Dental Upkeep
     People tend to put their medical and dental appointments on the backburner.  Usually, this is because life happens and other responsibilities arise.  Other times, people forget to go or make an appointment.  Either way, this can mean a person can go months, or even years, without getting checkups.  This can be concerning as some people may contract an illness or dental problems which, if left unchecked, can be cause for greater concern down the road.  It is best to maintain a bi-annual schedule of checkups.  Doing so will give you peace of mind when it comes to your health, and any problems that arise can be found and dealt with in its infancy.
3. Healthier Eating Habits
     Healthy eating habits allow people to stop relying on food for comfort and give a sense of control.  Some people eat when they are bored, feeling depressed, or had a stressful day at work.  Depending on the situation, this behavior can be understood.  The problem is people continuously rely on this food to provide them comfort, almost like a drug.  Unhealthy foods, such as pizza and cookies, become a staple in households for this reason.  This can lead to mental and physical health problems.  Physically, a person can gain weight, have an increased chance of various diseases due to their unhealthy diet, and have less energy to perform daily tasks.  Mentally, people may feel like they are not in control of themselves, have a lack of motivation to do anything, and even have increased anxiety and depression, something they were trying to avoid through food.
     Adopting healthier eating habits is not as difficult as people would have you believe, especially when it is coupled with exercise.  For example, people believe they need to give up the foods they love and start eating bland, boring, and/or unsatisfying foods.  The truth is, people can eat whatever they want as long as it is coupled with moderation.  Enjoy a slice of pie, but do not have one every day.  More so, healthy foods considered bland and boring can be paired with other foods for a more exciting result.  For example, broccoli on its own can be boring but coupled with other food items, such as chicken and rice, it creates a healthy and more appetizing meal.
     People also have trouble adopting healthier eating habits because they do not believe healthy can be delicious.  There are many different foods that are just as pleasant as an unhealthy option.  Personally, I have a banana with plain yogurt and nuts for breakfast almost every day.  The plain yogurt has no flavor, but with the nuts and banana thrown in it is like a healthy version of ice cream.  Almond milk is a great substitute for regular milk which contains large amounts of sugar.  There are also flavored versions if you would not enjoy the plain version.  Skinless chicken is great when mixed with brown rice and a vegetable.  If you have trouble finding foods like this, do a quick Google search, or watch YouTube videos to find other healthy alternatives.
4. Drink Plenty of Water
     Staying hydrated is just as important as eating regularly.  However, a person can go weeks without food whereas humans can only go three days without water.  60% of the human body is composed of water.  Our cells need it to function properly and regulate our bodily functions.  When we do not drink enough water, we can become lightheaded, are unable to think straight, and can feel week or sickly.  We can also experience lower energy levels.  It is recommended to drink at least eight cups of water per day.  This can change depending on the situation.  I once experienced a woman faint in a restaurant after being in the sun for a long period of time.  She did not drink water afterward to keep herself hydrated.  It can be easy for dehydration to go under the radar, which is why it is important to drink water throughout the day.  Try to always have a water bottle or water source handy for instances such as this.  All in all, do your best to drink water whenever possible.  Make time to ensure you are healthy and your body functioning properly.
5. Get Enough Sleep
     It is recommended to sleep seven to eight hours per night.  Try your best to obtain that amount as it is beneficial to one’s health.  Sleep allows our bodies to rest and recover.  Getting enough sleep will ensure that we can focus better, are able to think clearly, and have an increased sense of motivation and productivity.  Sleep also can prevent diseases, such as Alzheimer’s from occurring.  We also have more energy and will feel less sluggish throughout the day.  Happy, healthy, and ready to take on the world is the type of person you want to be right?  Well, get some sleep and see what happens!

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Have anything to add?  Let me know how you feel in the comments! ✏️

🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams!
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