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3 Methods of Handling Work-Related Mistakes

     Everybody makes mistakes, but when mistakes are work-related people get beyond anxious.  Nobody wants to perform poorly in their role nor do they want to be known as the one who makes mistakes.  It is natural to feel this way, but being consumed by this fear is a different story.  Inaccuracies are can and will occur but they neither define our abilities nor our work ethic.  We need to remember this and calm ourselves down when feeling anxious over the errors made.  Here are three methods of handling work-related mistakes.
1. Simplify The Problem
     Most of the time, a mistake can be rectified quickly and easily.  I have stressed over mistakes that were neither detrimental nor problematic numerous times.  The next time a mistake is made, try and simplify it.  Explain to yourself what the problem is, how it can be resolved, and whether or not it is worth stressing over.  Chances are, the problem is not difficult to resolve and should not be the cause of any anxiety.  If, however, the mistake is somewhat detrimental, this logic can still be applied.  Simplifying the problem will give the chance to dissect the situation and create a plan of action.  As a result, difficult problems become the end goal of accomplishing smaller resolutive goals.
2. Take Breaks
     Work-related mistakes cannot always be resolved the same day they were made.  As such, we should not overwhelm ourselves by trying to find a solution if we do not have the time to do so.  However, if you find yourself in this position, remember to take a break.  Too many people forget to take breaks while working due to various reasons.  Whether the workload is light or heavy or the problem is large or small, breaks can calm the mind and allow the user to focus.  If we do not stop looking at our computer screens, drink enough water, or eat breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner, our productivity decreases.  This can lead to less focus as well as increased stress due to your inability to resolve the problem quickly.  Ironically, this scenario is exactly what people try to avoid by focusing solely on fixing their mistakes and nothing else.  Remember to take care of yourself and take your mind off of the problem for a little while.  You will thank yourself after feeling better and now fixing the issue with a fresh pair of eyes.  Sometimes all it takes is a few moments of peace to recharge an individual.
3. Ask for Help
     Something as simple as asking for help can be easily overlooked.  People either forget to ask, do not want to bother anybody with their problems, or are too embarrassed to tell others they made an error.  There will come a time where a mistake is made and is too large for you to handle.  When this occurs, do not feel the need to deal with it on your own.  This just causes unnecessary stress.  It can also lead to the problem not being resolved in a timely manner.  Remember, everybody makes mistakes and needs help from time to time.  Do not avoid asking for help and put more weight on your shoulders unnecessarily.  Own up to your mistakes, ask for help, and resolve the issue.  Better to fix the problem quickly than painstakingly.

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🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'What If I Came Knocking' by John Mellencamp!
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