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Showing posts from July, 2019

Jared's Life Advice #1

Hello everyone,      I am trying something new for tonight's blog.  Instead of having a singular topic, I thought it would be a great idea if I provided general life advice for you all.  The goal of this blog is to provide some advice everyone needs to be reminded of from time to time or brought to light.  By doing so, I hope you will incorporate this knowledge into your own lives and grow as a person.  So, without further ado, here are tonight's three bits of life advice! 1. Never Give up Hope      Life can be hard, and everyone goes through difficult times.  You may feel anxious, stressed, or overworked.  We often let this negativity consume us, a form of self-sabotage.  We forget life is also filled with joy, happiness, and wonder when in this funk.  Sometimes, we need to be reminded that everything gets better with time.  Through time we grow, experience, and learn.  Mistakes are made, but nothin...

3 Reasons to Incorporate Breaks Into Your Daily Routine

     Something as simple as a break can be overlooked easily.  Today's fast-paced society can be strenuous to keep up with.  It is no wonder why people can forget to get away from their work and relax.  However, people need to realize that without breaks, productivity can decrease, we can feel overworked, and our focus diminishes.  So, as a reminder to all of those hard-working folks out there who forget to think of themselves from time to time, here are three reasons to incorporate breaks into your daily routine. 1. Breaks Can Increase Focus      We can sometimes get so invested in our work that tunnel vision kicks in.  When this happens, we seldom stop what we are doing and 'focus' on the end goal of our projects.  This, ironically, can lead to a poor work performance.  Tunnel vision can cloud our minds and judgement, making us focus on getting the project done rather than the minor details.  As a result, mistak...

3 Methods of Handling Work-Related Mistakes

     Everybody makes mistakes, but when mistakes are work-related people get beyond anxious.  Nobody wants to perform poorly in their role nor do they want to be known as the one who makes mistakes.  It is natural to feel this way, but being consumed by this fear is a different story.  Inaccuracies are can and will occur but they neither define our abilities nor our work ethic.  We need to remember this and calm ourselves down when feeling anxious over the errors made.  Here are three methods of handling work-related mistakes. 1. Simplify The Problem      Most of the time, a mistake can be rectified quickly and easily.  I have stressed over mistakes that were neither detrimental nor problematic numerous times.  The next time a mistake is made, try and simplify it.  Explain to yourself what the problem is, how it can be resolved, and whether or not it is worth stressing over.  Chances are, the problem is ...

3 Methods of Creating Confidence

     Confidence is created through personal development, believing in oneself and being open to change.  Many people suffer from a lack of confidence every day.  If we all were more confident in ourselves, we would be less offended by everything, feel better about ourselves and our abilities, and live a happier, more fulfilling life.  We all should strive to become more confident and find new ways to continuously do so.  To help you get started, here are three methods of creating confidence. 1. New Experiences      Confidence comes from having new experiences.  More experiences equal more confidence.  This is because we become more of the person we want to be rather than who we wish to be.  We learn from each experience and use it to better our lives.  For example, someone who has never been to the gym before, but decided to start a routine where they did, is doing so to become healthier.  They not o...

5 Ways to Eliminate Self-Doubt

     Setting goals is easy but sticking to them can be difficult.   This is not due to our inability to succeed but rather our willingness to continue.   Self-doubt is often the killer of creativity and success.   There are various reasons as to why this can happen; a demotivating bad day, criticism, overthinking, etc.   Whatever the case, it is important to understand that self-doubt is natural.   Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, confident or insecure, everybody has these types of thoughts.   The goal is to prevent these thoughts from affecting progression.   Self-doubt should not be a deciding factor in the outcome of life, especially when there are numerous ways to motivate and encourage oneself.  Here are five ways to eliminate self-doubt. 1. Exercise      Exercise eliminates self-doubt by taking one’s mind off of negative thoughts.   When exercising, the body and mind focus on the task...

Moderation & Its Importance

     Most of us have heard the phrase, “everything in moderation,” but do we practice what we preach?  Moderation can be a difficult task when it involves something enjoyable.  This is more apparent when addictive personalities are thrown into the mix.  When people overindulge, they can often form bad habits or neglect their responsibilities.  Video games, for example, can get out of hand quite easily if the person does not moderate time spent; disorganized sleep schedules, not eating or drinking enough, forgetting to do daily chores, etc.  Moreso, an addiction can prevent personal development by putting time into the addiction rather than goal progression.  Moderation gives us the opportunity to have fun without our lives revolving around a single activity.      Whether it is drinking, smoking, playing video games, or some other activity, moderation is the key.  We deserve to enjoy ourselves every once in a while...

5 Tips for Bodily Maintenance

     Our quality of life decreases the moment we stop taking care of ourselves.  We need to remember to maintain our bodies so we can function properly and enjoy life.  Sometimes, this can seem difficult, but it is not impossible.  Here are 5tips for bodily maintenance. 1. Exercise Regularly      The benefits of exercise outshine whatever reasons people may have not to exercise.   Not only does physical activity provide an energy boost, but you feel great afterward.   It is a confidence booster, especially when sticking to a routine and beginning to see your body change.   Exercise is also a way to improve your productivity through various means including; getting up early, increased motivation, and sticking to a routine.   These are all skills that can be applied to projects outside of exercise.        Exercise does not take long to perform either.   Most people go to the gym and...