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The True Forms of Happiness Pt.2 - The Importance of Family

     As we discussed in the last blog, true happiness takes many different forms, one being the satisfaction of helping others.  Making memories with loved ones, as well as being there for them, is another form.  The importance of family, friends, and loved ones is something few can argue against.  If we did not have the people who love, support and cheer us on while moving through life, our achievements may feel mundane.  Even if you consider yourself a lone wolf, I am sure you can think of someone who is or was there for you.  These are the people who push us to succeed, follow our dreams, and make our achievements more exciting.  This is because we have people to share our experiences with, people who we know genuinely care about what we have to say.  If we did not have that, we can become lonely, depressed, and lose motivation to succeed.  Without loved ones to share our joy with, we cannot truly be happy.
     There are many people who sacrifice their family life for professional success.  They believe, in order to become successful, their social life must be sacrificed.  This is not always the case, however.  Yes, success requires hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, but nobody has to leave their family and friends on the backburner to do so.  There is always time to spend with family and friends.  The individual who believes they are too busy has to make the time.  Again, we cannot find true happiness through success alone.  Those who support us throughout the process are what make our achievements mean much more.  Imagine a person succeeding but having no family or friends to tell.  The individual was consumed by their success that they ignored their loved ones.  As a result, they lost touch with them.  Thus, the person may have succeeded, but the happiness gained from that success alone is not enough to be truly happy.  Without loved ones to fall back on, we soon become lonely and depressed, realizing our success came at a high cost.
     People often come to this realization after they have achieved their goals.  When all is said and done, the time spent with our loved ones triumphs any achievement we could make.  Financial freedom can be earned in many ways, but family and friends are limited.  We often find only a few people we can trust in our lifetime, and when we do meet them, we need to hold onto them.  Always put in the time to be with family and friends.  Never believe that success relies on sacrificing your social or family life.  There is always a way to balance the two, you just have to be willing to do so.

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🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'Honeybee' by Steam Powered Giraffe!

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