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The Importance of Compromise in a Relationship

     Compromise plays a role in maintaining a healthy relationship.  Many relationship problems are due to selfishness.  When we are single, we are able to do whatever we want whenever we want to.  Once we are in a relationship, moments arise which makes us question whether or not it is worth sacrificing this freedom.  Although some freedoms are lost, such as talking to other potential partners, the ability to be our own person is not.  We are still capable of retaining our individuality and enjoying that which makes us happy.  Relationships do, however, require sacrificing some free time to maintain.  Sometimes, this means being put into uncomfortable situations or doing something you may not find particularly interesting.  However, relationships are a two-way street, meaning your significant other should be sacrificing as much as you.  Otherwise, the relationship is built upon selfishness and will not last.  This is where compromise comes in.  Compromise allows both partners to enjoy what they like to do while taking their significant other’s happiness into consideration.  By doing so, both parties enjoy spending time together while maintaining some of their individual freedoms.
     When compromise is not present, there are many different problems that can appear.  For example, people make the mistake of putting too much effort into their relationship.  They sometimes sacrifice their own individuality to make their significant other happy.  This can lead to a sense of under-appreciation when their partner does not show them as much affection as they receive.  This can also lead to the partner becoming spoiled, expecting their partner’s kindness and often forgetting to return the favor.  More so, some may act selfishly towards their partners.  These individuals put themselves first and rarely care about the other person.  They often boss them around and have little consideration for their well-being.  As a result, one person is happy, but the other is being pulled by a tight leash.  Whether you are the person who gives too much or receives too little, both scenarios can cause burnout, the feeling of under-appreciation and the resentment of your partner.
     If this sounds similar to your relationship or a loved one, do not worry.  Just because these problems exist does not mean the relationship is lost.  With the power of compromise, these problems can slowly fade into the void.  For example, the person who gives more than they receive may need to rethink their actions, talk to their partner about feeling underappreciated, and spend more time as an individual rather than a servant.  Also, this person should spend time doing what they like with their partner rather than always going with what their partner wants to do.  Also, those who are being bossed around by their partner should communicate, explain their feelings of resentment and under-appreciation, and work with their partner to reach an understanding.  Overall, compromise involves communicating with your partner, sharing your feelings and viewpoints, and coming to a resolution.
     Compromise means accepting our partners for who they are.  We should be able to share our opinions, speak our mind and do most of what we want without feeling guilty.  We should never feel trapped or obligated to act a certain way.  To lose our individuality not only makes us lose sight of who we are but causes us to lean onto the relationship for happiness.  If the relationship fails, we may blame ourselves when in reality it was the fault of both parties.  Most relationship problems can be resolved through compromise.  You and your partner just have to be willing to do so.  Enjoy time together and make sacrifices from time to time, but always keep your happiness in mind as well.

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🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is '1, 2, 3, 4' by The Plain White T's!

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