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Five Benefits of Going to the Gym

     Going to the gym can be a difficult and/or frightening experience for some people.  It can be a drastic change from the life they are currently living.  However, it can be the most positive, life-changing decision a person could ever make.  I used to be afraid of going to the gym because of having to deal with other people, my lack of energy, and having to take an hour of free time before or after work to lift weights.  However, once I bit the bullet, I realized how easy it was to incorporate this into my daily routine, especially after thinking of the benefits it creates.  Here are five benefits of going to the gym.
1. Physical & Mental Health
     There are many physical health benefits to going to the gym and working out.  Going to the gym allows an individual to lose weight and gain muscle.  They will not only feel stronger and healthier, but the person will have many new doors open to them that were not previously.  For instance, maybe an individual has been heavy their whole life and could barely walk.  After going to the gym for a while, they may become healthy enough to take walks without getting winded or feeling sick.  Another example includes those who feel weak and who lack muscle.  After going to the gym for a while they can slowly build muscle, allowing them to lift heavy objects and last longer when performing manual labor.  They will also look and feel stronger.  So, physically people can look better, be able to perform actions they previously had difficulties with, and be healthier than they had ever felt before.
2. Self-Confidence
     Going to the gym can also boost self-confidence.  One of the most infamous insecurities people have is feeling overweight, weak, or unattractive.  Often times, these insecurities can be countered by going to the gym, working out, and sticking to it.  By continuing to go to the gym, the individual may feel more confident in themselves because they start to believe in themselves.  Rather than doubt their abilities, they begin to feel like they can accomplish their goals because they are in control.  However, the results are what make a person feel accomplished.  Those who have struggled with weight or the feeling of unattractiveness can feel more secure with their bodies after going to the gym, losing weight, gaining muscle, and feeling more confident in their abilities.
3. Motivation
     The gym is also a great way to gain motivation.  The most difficult part of a goal is the beginning because it requires the person to change their routine.  However, when a person is able to break away from this routine at least once, it becomes much easier for other goals as well.  The gym is a great way to start because of how simple it is and how great the benefits are.  All a person has to do is pick a gym, pick a routine and go.  The more they do this, the easier it is to motivate themselves to continue, especially when they begin to see a change in their physical and mental states.  Once the individual has gained experience in dealing with a big change like that, it will be less difficult for them to get motivated when trying to accomplish other goals.  They will have already learned how to incorporate change into their lives, how to adapt to it, and how beneficial it can be.  This type of experience is invaluable and will follow you throughout life.
4. Energy
     Many people do not go to the gym because they do not have enough energy.  They may be tired from a long day at work or just feel too lazy and want to lie down.  However, going to the gym is the best way to wake yourself up, acquire more energy, and feel good for the rest of the night.  Doing strenuous exercise gets the adrenaline pumping, the blood flowing, and the muscles moving.  Most people do not get that kind of stimulation at work or at home.  After working out, you feel energized as if you could take on the world.  When you get home and relax, you may no longer feel like you want to take a nap, eat, and go to bed.  Rather, you most likely will feel wide awake and wanting to do something more with your night.  So, instead of going home and doing nothing, going to the gym will give you the energy to enjoy your night rather than thinking about sleep for most of it.  You may even feel the desire to work on goals or personal projects you did not have the energy to work on previously.
5. The Catalyst for Other Personal Goals.
     People usually begin their quest for success by going to the gym and getting in shape.  The reason is going to the gym often requires a routine of exercising, eating well and getting enough sleep.  It also requires time management and the use of organization skills.  Essentially, going to the gym does more than giving a person the opportunity to lose weight and gain muscle.  It also teaches people valuable life skills which can be used to accomplish future goals down the line.  For example, there are those who believe getting up early and working in the morning is a trait of successful people.  Many people get up early to go to the gym and working out before work.  So, by going to the gym early, the person is training themselves to get up early and work towards a goal.  They can then take it a step further by working on other projects after coming home from the gym in the morning.  Thus, they have worked on their goals well before anyone has even woken up yet.  Also, as previously stated, going to the gym gives people motivation, self-confidence, and energy.  These benefits can stem out from the gym specifically and be applied to anything the person sets their mind to.  Overall, there are no downsides to going to the gym.  It teaches you discipline, provides numerous benefits, and can set a person up for future success down the line.

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🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'Thunderstruck' by AC/DC!
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