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Life Advice Blog #9 - Communication

     Many people underestimate the power of communication. Communication is key, as it creates a strong foundation for healthy relationships. The problem in today’s world is people would rather look at their phones than communicate face to face. Millennials share this habit and act on it when they are uncomfortable. This can be problematic, especially for those who have difficulty in social settings. Going to one’s phone as a safety net to avoid uncomfortable situations is not beneficial for personal growth. Understanding the benefits of communication, while working in strengthening it as a whole, will help in increasing anyone’s confidence in social situations.

     The primary benefit of communication is its aid in the creation and maintenance of relationships. Every relationship stems from conversations had with another person. Communicating with someone, no matter what the topic, allows you to learn more about the other person, find common interests, and have an enjoyable social experience. This is why looking at one’s phone when uncomfortable is damaging towards personal growth. Yes, people can use the phone to call others and have conversations with them. However, there are instances where people will take out their phone and go to social media or a game to avoid communication. Not only is this rude, but it prevents the phone user from creating relationships with new people.

     It is understandable as to why people take their phones out, as it can be comforting to get away from awkward social situations. However, in order to gain confidence in social settings, it is important to train in the art of communication. Constantly being on one’s phone is not going to help strengthen social skills. The best way to do that is to turn the phone off, think of a topic, and start communicating. Even if the conversation is awkward or uninteresting, it is better to try than to look at a screen. People notice when others are making an effort to be friendly or strike up a conversation. Also, those who take out their phones to avoid social interaction are usually the ones who enjoy communicating, but they never know how to start.

     The best advice I can give you is to be the conversation starter. You will notice a drastic change in your life, as being the conversation starter will increase the quality of your relationships. It will also open doors for the creation of new relationships. Keep your phone turned off when in a social circle, and think of topics that would be enjoyable to talk about with other people. The world needs strong communicators and those willing to change the habits created through the digital age. Strive to be the social savant you want to be.  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Song of the Blog
Today’s Song is “Dreaming in Color,” by Philip Wesley!  Listen while reading for a better experience!

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