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Life Advice Blog #8 - Giving

     Humans are social creatures, and as such we enjoy being with our own kind.  Some of you may be loners at heart, myself included, but everyone has a moment in their lives where they have had someone they cared about.  It is natural to care, and as such it is the reason why giving is such an important part of human nature.  Giving is a generous act that everyone strives to do, but they do not realize it.  When people give to others, whether it be a family member, friend, stranger, or a community, they feel a sense of fulfillment.  This is because it is in our nature to help others.  The problem is that we are blinded of that reality due to our constant internal struggles.  We are so focused on finding security and comfort, whether that be from securing a stable job or dealing with personal dilemmas that we become blind to what truly matters.  This is unfortunate, as giving to others leads to personal development and satisfaction.  However, anybody can change their mindset through hard work and determination.

     There is a common pattern among many of those who are deemed successful, generosity.  Many entertainers often put their fame and notoriety to good use.  I have personally seen this done by Youtubers and Twitch Streamers.  These are entertainers who create video content on and for others to enjoy.  Many of these entertainers use Youtube and Twitch to raise money for various charities.  Yes, this makes them look good in the eyes of the public, but there is a deeper reason.  The real reason why these entertainers do this is because they enjoy helping those in need, giving back to the community.  It is great to be personally successful in one’s own career, but to be truly satisfied with oneself, that success must be used for good.  The best way to do that is to give back to one’s family, friends, and community, and this is exactly what those entertainers do.  Think of it this way, if you won the lottery tomorrow, would you be content keeping every cent to yourself?  You may think so, but truly, the answer is probably not.  Chances are, one of the first thoughts in your head would be “who should I share this with?”  Again, this is a natural reaction, because humans enjoy giving back to other humans.

     The idea of success can blind people from reality, which is why I think of success of a double edged sword.  The reason being is, while striving for achievement, people often focus on the short term rather than the long term.  The short term is succeeding in what you want to do while the long term is using that success to give back to others.  Ask yourself this, have there been times where you needed help but nobody was around to offer?  Would you not have been grateful if someone came and offered assistance?  This thought has personally crossed my mind, and I am sure it has crossed yours as well.  When aiming to succeed in life, we should attempt to be the stranger in our own story and give what you can.  Become the person whom you wish was there for you.  Doing so will not only make a difference in your own life, but the message of giving will spread, and more people will realize how important it is to give back to the world.  Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Song of the Blog
Today’s Song is “Small Town,” by John Mellencamp!  Listen while reading for a better experience!

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