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Life Advice Blog #7 - Leadership

     Leadership is foundation for humanity’s progression.  I have learned through life experience that most people in the world are sheep who would rather follow than lead a pack.  If the world was home to only followers, fewer goals would be achieved. George Washington, for example, led the patriots against the British forces during the Revolutionary War.  Many people thought of him as compassionate, skilled, and strategic, all qualities of a great leader.  If the revolutionaries lacked men such as George Washington to lead, the United States may not have come into fruition.  Keep in mind, I am not saying followers are unimportant. Leaders need followers as much as followers need leaders.  If George Washington did not have the support of the revolutionaries, the British would have won on every front.  However, I do believe that everyone should strive to become a leader.  The world will always have a large supply of followers, but will always need leaders to step up to the plate in order to reach a goal.

     Leadership comes from having certain qualities and applying them to situations.  There are many different types of qualities that shape a leader, but the three most influential qualities are honesty, the ability to inspire others, and creativity. People admire honesty, as many would rather lie to protect themselves as opposed to telling the truth.  Leaders are honest, because they understand that those who follow have to trust them.  The best way to earn a person’s trust is to speak the truth.  If a leader is honest and true about what they say, others will take notice.  Of course, there have been leaders who have lied in order to gain a following, but those leaders were thinking of themselves rather than humanity.  The great leaders of the world use honesty as a tool to gain the fellowship of like-minded people.  These people, in turn, help the leader in reaching a common goal.

     Second, the ability to inspire others is one, if not the most important trait for a leader to have.  A leader could have great ideas for reaching specific goal, but if they are unable to inspire others, the journey will be a failure from the start.  Inspiration is what makes or breaks a following.  If you want someone to fight for you, you have to give them a reason.  Great leaders are able to provide those reasons through various means, such as public speaking, writing, or social status.  Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights activist, inspired others into joining the fight against racism through his I Have a Dream speech.  Throughout his speech, Martin Luther King Jr. showed passion and confidence, traits that people respect and can get behind.  His words were true and people agreed with him, and today he is one of the most famous leaders in United States history.  You do not have to be as inspirational as Martin Luther King Jr. to be a great leader.  However, those who wish to become leaders should find ways of inspiring others into joining their cause.

     Lastly, many great leaders have creative and innovative minds.  A creative mind allows leaders to think outside the box and do something that nobody has ever done before.  Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, is now the richest man in the world after creating Amazon, the most popular online shopping site. He created a business that nobody had ever attempted before, and because of his creativity, dedication, and determination, he was able to gain a following and grow Amazon into what it is today.  A creative mind also means that the leader can make something out of nothing in certain situations.  Going back to George Washington, he was a General who consistently changed his tactics in order to win the battle.  Using his creative mind, he was able to formulate different plans that would ensure his victory over the enemy.  It did not matter the terrain, weather, or the enemy, George Washington would think, strategize, and formulate.  The great leaders throughout history have all been able to use their creativity to gain a following and change the world.

     There are many other qualities a leader can possess, but honesty, the ability to inspire, and creativity are the three qualities that are consistent among the great.  I encourage everyone reading to work towards becoming a leader, because it is not only rewarding, but one day you may change the world.  Society needs more people stepping up to the plate, turning their ideas into a reality, and leading others to success.  Those are the people who help further the progression of humanity. Following is easy, but why be a sheep when you can be a sheepdog?

Song of the Blog:
Today’s Song is “Tribute,” by Martin O’ Donnell & Michael Salvatori!  Listen while reading for a better experience!

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