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Life Advice Blog #10 - Experience

     Nothing in life is earned by simply existing.  Achieving goals requires hard work and dedication, but most importantly, it requires experience.  Experience comes from change, opening yourself up to the world and leaving your comfort zone.  There is no problem in having a routine, but to grow as a person, you must gain experience by making changes and taking action.  If you look at it in terms of a video game, players will not progress through a game by staring at the menu screen.  The player must gain experience by overcoming obstacles, such as defeating enemies or performing various tasks.  Once the player has gained enough experience, they will be open to new opportunities within the game.  In a realistic scenario, a person may go through years of medical school in order to gain the experience necessary to become a doctor.  Medical school will require the student to learn and apply new material in the field of medicine.  Once they learn enough to pass their exams, they will earn the title of doctor.  Both scenarios required the individual to make a change and gain experience.  However, they not only gained experience to achieve their goal, but they also gained secondary experience in other skills while on the road to success.  The video game player learned how to effectively play the game by mastering different skills.  The student learned time management and organization skills that not only aided in passing their exams but also in their personal life.  So, setting out to achieve a goal can reward you with experience in multiple different areas.

     The first step in gaining new experience is to switch up your current routine.  Think of a goal you would like to achieve and how your day to day operations effect your chances of succeeding.  Any bad habits should be addressed.  Maybe you want to start going to the gym but do not get enough sleep or eat too poorly to feel like it.  Therefore, in order to succeed, you must break these habits any way possible, whether that be quitting cold turkey or learning ways to ease into a new routine.  Either way, this is a great example of gaining experience based on a change in life.  You will have to eat healthier foods, alter your routine to sleep more, and make time to go to the gym.  This earns you experience in many different areas, such as increased knowledge about healthy food, time management, keeping a schedule, and creating a workout routine.  All of these new experiences will eventually lead to the succession of going to the gym while also increasing the overall quality of your life.  Of course, these types of processes take time to fully mature, but it can be done through hard work and dedication.

     Every new experience allows for the progression of personal growth and maturity.  Becoming the best you can be means stepping outside of your comfort zone, trying new things, and learning from every experience.  Open yourself up to new experiences as much as possible.  Gaining experience not only aids in accomplishing goals but also increasing one’s quality of life.  Striving to achieve a goal means learning ways to overcome obstacles and increasing your knowledge base.  Moreover, you will have a great time experiencing new things.  Get out of your daily routine, try something new, and have fun.  I promise you will not regret it.

     I would like to add that my experience of writing these blogs has been eye opening.  I have learned so much in the last month, and it is so encouraging to see my audience continue to grow.  Thank you all for reading and supporting my work.  You do not understand how much it means to me.  There is much more to come!

Song of the Blog
Today’s Song is “Joy,” by George Winston!  Listen while reading for a better experience!

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