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Showing posts from November, 2018

Life Advice Blog #10 - Experience

     Nothing in life is earned by simply existing.  Achieving goals requires hard work and dedication, but most importantly, it requires experience.  Experience comes from change, opening yourself up to the world and leaving your comfort zone.  There is no problem in having a routine, but to grow as a person, you must gain experience by making changes and taking action.  If you look at it in terms of a video game, players will not progress through a game by staring at the menu screen.  The player must gain experience by overcoming obstacles, such as defeating enemies or performing various tasks.  Once the player has gained enough experience, they will be open to new opportunities within the game.  In a realistic scenario, a person may go through years of medical school in order to gain the experience necessary to become a doctor.  Medical school will require the student to learn and apply new material in the field of medicine. ...

Life Advice Blog #9 - Communication

     Many people underestimate the power of communication. Communication is key, as it creates a strong foundation for healthy relationships. The problem in today’s world is people would rather look at their phones than communicate face to face. Millennials share this habit and act on it when they are uncomfortable. This can be problematic, especially for those who have difficulty in social settings. Going to one’s phone as a safety net to avoid uncomfortable situations is not beneficial for personal growth. Understanding the benefits of communication, while working in strengthening it as a whole, will help in increasing anyone’s confidence in social situations.      The primary benefit of communication is its aid in the creation and maintenance of relationships. Every relationship stems from conversations had with another person. Communicating with someone, no matter what the topic, allows you to learn more about the other person, find common intere...

Life Advice Blog #8 - Giving

     Humans are social creatures, and as such we enjoy being with our own kind.  Some of you may be loners at heart, myself included, but everyone has a moment in their lives where they have had someone they cared about.  It is natural to care, and as such it is the reason why giving is such an important part of human nature.  Giving is a generous act that everyone strives to do, but they do not realize it.  When people give to others, whether it be a family member, friend, stranger, or a community, they feel a sense of fulfillment.  This is because it is in our nature to help others.  The problem is that we are blinded of that reality due to our constant internal struggles.  We are so focused on finding security and comfort, whether that be from securing a stable job or dealing with personal dilemmas that we become blind to what truly matters.  This is unfortunate, as giving to others leads to personal development and satisfaction....

Life Advice Blog #7 - Leadership

     Leadership is foundation for humanity’s progression.  I have learned through life experience that most people in the world are sheep who would rather follow than lead a pack.  If the world was home to only followers, fewer goals would be achieved. George Washington, for example, led the patriots against the British forces during the Revolutionary War.  Many people thought of him as compassionate, skilled, and strategic, all qualities of a great leader.  If the revolutionaries lacked men such as George Washington to lead, the United States may not have come into fruition.  Keep in mind, I am not saying followers are unimportant. Leaders need followers as much as followers need leaders.  If George Washington did not have the support of the revolutionaries, the British would have won on every front.  However, I do believe that everyone should strive to become a leader.  The world will always have a large supply of followers, but ...

Life Advice Blog #6 - Understanding

     One of the most important skills in life is the ability to put oneself in another person’s shoes. There are too many instances of people judging others without asking “why?”  It is an important question, as the “why” can prevent people from jumping to conclusions.  There is nothing worse than weakening a relationship with somebody, because you said or did something without entertaining their side of the story. Personally, I always ask “why?” when somebody close to me acts or thinks a certain way.  I am not the only person on this planet, and neither are you.  We all have our own personal thoughts and opinions.  These differences make us unique, but they also make us vulnerable, as others may disagree and fail to see one’s reasons for being the way they are.  This is where understanding comes into play.  If a person masters the skill of understanding, they will be less likely to jump to conclusions, weaken their relationships, and b...

Life Advice Blog #5 - Love

     Today, we will talk about the two types of love, how they correlate, and the benefits of each.  We will also discuss how both types contribute to achieving the end goal of love.  The dictionary defines love as “an intense feeling of deep affection.”  However, that definition not only seems broad but also vague.  In reality, love is perspective.  We all have our own personal opinions, preferences, and feelings that make us like and hate different things.  Moreover, Love can be found anywhere due to the elasticity of human nature.  We experience love when we are content with some part of our life, not just by having affection towards something.  The way I see it, there are two types of love, inner love and outer love.  Throughout one’s life, it is important to obtain both types of love to reach the end goal, to love one’s own life and the journey had.      Inner love is love people have for themselves...

Life Advice Blog #4 - Fear

     Fear is a natural part of human existence.  The feeling comes from thoughts of unpleasant occurrences.  When people think of fear, they think of pain, suffering, discomfort, etc. As a result, fear often stops people from performing certain actions or following through with decisions that may lead to these happenings.  Of course, there are pros and cons to this outcome.  Positively, fear can prevent us from going through with actions or decisions that we may regret later on.  Fear can also stop us from putting ourselves in dangerous situations.  Negatively, fear can prevent us from growing, maturing, and getting to the point in our lives where we are content with ourselves. By learning to manage fear properly, you are able to differentiate a positive fearful experience from a negative one, and by doing so, will allow you to accomplish your goals while avoiding unpleasant situations.      The feeling of fear should ...

Life Advice Blog #3 - Change

     Today we talk about change and the importance of adaptation. People are content within their comfort zone when in reality it should be the opposite.  Naturally, humans should embrace change.  Adaptation was necessary for survival in the early days of humanity.  Nowadays, society is full of luxury, and people can live their lives with very little to worry about.  Because of this, I believe most people now resist change, and there are people who are less likely to adapt to their new reality.  Personally, I am not a huge fan of change, but I understand that it is a continuous part of life.  There are people who dislike change, because they often associate change with the negative connotations of words like “unknown” or “different.”  I am not trying to say you should like change when it is positive and hate it when it is negative.  The point I am trying to make is that change will always occur, and how a person handles this change...