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How Fate and Personality Intertwine

     We are born with a unique personality which is then shaped by the environment we grow up in, but how does this play a role in what we call fate?  Our personalities determine our likes, dislikes, thoughts, opinions, and the choices we make throughout our lives.  We consider fate to be events beyond our control.  We often believe what transpires from these events is supposed to happen without our knowledge and are determined by the universe.  However, I believe our unique personalities intertwine with fate.  Our personalities shape us into who we are and determine how we handle life events.  Fate, in my opinion, is the initial event that we cannot control.  What happens afterward is determined by our personality and the paths we choose to walk.
     What if a nuclear apocalypse decimated the world today and you were one of the survivors?  How would you deal with the aftermath, and would you consider these choices fate?  Based on my view, the event itself, the dropping of the bombs, would be considered fate in this context.  Others may see fate's definition extending beyond the bombs.  For example, since most people correlate a nuclear apocalypse with negativity, some may believe our fate is to live a doomed existence.  Due to personality's impact on fate, this does not one hundred percent accurate.  You could focus on the negative, expecting the worst and lose hope, or you could try to change the world and begin the rebuilding process.  Similarly, you could choose to travel the world helping those in need, creating a better world after the bombs, or you could steal from others for personal gain.  The point is our personality is a deciding factor in what transpires.  It was fate having to deal with the desolate wasteland after the bombs but the choices we make thereafter are not.
     One personal example is how I met my girlfriend, Olivia.  One day while I was at work, I was swiping through the Bumble app on my phone.  For those who don't know, Bumble is a dating app where you swipe left or right to determine if you like the person or not.  If you both like each other, you will 'match' and have the opportunity to talk to one another.  The appeal of Bumble is that the woman has to make the first move, otherwise, after 24 hours the match is deleted.  I matched with Olivia because I had recognized her in my hometown.  However, she never responded to me and it looked like nothing was going to happen.  That night, I decided to message her on Facebook.  I sent her a message mentioning how we matched on Bumble and if she wanted to talk.  To my surprise, she responded and we started talking.  Later in our relationship, she told me that she was trying to think of something witty to say when we matched but ran out of time.  She was happy I sent her a message that night.  It was almost fate to meet her through Bumble, but our personalities played a role in why we started dating.  If I was more reserved, I may not have sent her a message on Facebook and the story would have ended right there.  If Liv had been different, she may not have responded to the message and again, nothing would have happened.
     Do you believe there is an outside force that determines our life choices?  Do you think fate extends far beyond our lives and to the universe?  Nobody really knows for sure, but it is my opinion that we all have the freedom to make our own decisions.  There may be unforeseen events in life that are out of our control but it does not mean we are forced down one specific road.  Our personality and how we see the world will guide us through life, shaping it as we continue on.

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Have anything to add?  Let me know how you feel in the comments! ✏️

🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'Thanksgiving' by George Winston!
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