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Blog #104 - Life's Problems and How to Handle Them

     What I worry about never seems to end up as the chaotic mess I expect it to result in.  Every time I panic or stress about something, I end up breathing a sigh of relief after handling the situation.  I then realize how pointless it was to even worry about something which ended up having a simple solution and wasn't even detrimental, to begin with.  We seem to perceive life as incredibly difficult when, in reality, the answers are simple and right in front of us.  Life is about adapting to your environments, figuring out how to handle problems correctly, and how to react accordingly based on the situation.  It all starts by having confidence in ourselves and realizing everything life throws at us has simple solutions if broken down properly.  We just have to be willing to accept this and dissect the problem before rushing into finding a solution.
     The key to life is knowing how to find a solution to multiple problems, not just one.  This has to do more with calming your mind than anything.  When we are in a situation that causes stress or anxiety, we have to perceive it as if we are on the outside looking in.  This allows us to see the simplicities before the problem is resolved rather than after the fact.  We will be able to receive that calming feeling prior to hurriedly rush and stress over the problem.  This will not only keep you from pulling your hair out but give you the opportunity to resolve the problem with a clear and focused mind.  This also allows the opportunity to fix the issue faster than you would have alternatively.  Everybody's method of relief will be different, but as long as you find it, you have already taken the first step into mastering life.
     We all feel more prepared when we have a plan, so take the first step and formulate one today.  There is always a way to fix a problem, so what is the point in worrying so much?  The reason we do is that we always expect a negative outcome.  We subconsciously tell ourselves we are not good enough for a positive outcome to occur, and even when they do, we don't congratulate ourselves.  The process repeats itself over and over again.  Break the cycle and find the confidence in yourself to believe in your abilities.  You are stronger than you believe and can accomplish more than you think.

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Have anything to add?  Let me know how you feel in the comments! ✏️

🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'Dear Marie' by John Mayer!

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YOU, SCROLLING THROUGH THIS BLOG, thank you for reading!  I thoroughly enjoy talking with my readers, so shoot me a message, or leave a comment, if you want to chat!  Thank you!


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