Life is too short to harbor anger and cause yourself unnecessary stress. However, people often do so, even when it comes to the littlest things. If people understood how unhealthy it was to harbor anger, stress, and frustration towards others, then they may feel more inclined to avoid it. Forgiveness is one such way to avoid this path while increasing one's quality of life, and there are many reasons why. Here are five of those reasons.
1. Holding Onto Anger is Unhealthy
Stressful situations, no matter what the outcome, can often lead to anger, sadness, and anxiety. Many would also rather hold onto a grudge than forgive. This is understandable, as people seldom want to forgive. Often times, they believe the person, or persons, did them too much wrong and do not deserve forgiveness. The problem with this thinking is the person is holding onto negative feelings, which cause unhappiness and displeasure. We should not hold onto these feelings for long, because when people do so they usually dwell on them. When you dwell on something, you are spending your time and energy focusing on it. Regarding negative feelings, dwelling on them can cause unhappiness, stress, and make you feel like you missed out on pleasurable experiences.
Through forgiveness, you are allowing yourself to let go of any grudges or ill will making you feel unhappy, angry, or stressed. The weight is lifted off of your shoulders, and you no longer have to feel anger when the subject, or person, comes up. You are allowing yourself to clear your mind and focus on the important items in your life, such as personal development. Again, harboring anger towards someone or something does nothing but cause unhappiness. Learn to let go, learn to forgive, and see how different you feel afterwards.
2. Forgiveness Can Bring Closure
Many people feel the need to justify forgiveness before giving it, which is understandable. However, forgiveness does not always have to be about accepting what the person did, forgiveness can be used as a method of moving on with your life. When we hold onto anger and frustration, we are preventing ourselves from moving forward. The person to blame has a hold on your thoughts and feelings. We can prevent this through forgiveness. By forgiving the person, we allow ourselves the closure needed to move forward. Without proper closure, we may move through life feeling betrayed, saddened, or hurt. This prevents us from being the happy person we know we could be. So, instead of holding a grudge, forgive the person to give yourself closure, allowing yourself to be happy and not dwell on past actions of others.
3. Lower Stress Levels
Anger and resentment not only cause unhappiness and displeasure, but it can also create stress. People may believe the person who caused the anger is the person to blame, but this is not the case. Rather than forgiving the person, you choose to resent them for what happened, holding onto the anger. All you are doing is making yourself more anxious and stressed, because you associate the person with these feelings and emotions. Thus, whenever the person is seen, or comes into your thoughts, you will most likely feel anger, resentment, and stress yourself out instead of being happy. If you were to forgive, you would be letting go of the connection between negative emotions and the person. By letting go of the stressful connection, you can move on with your life, focus on other items, and be happier. We already have enough stress to deal with; work, personal responsibilities, and whatever else life throws our way. With everything we have to deal with, what is the point of creating more stress? Forgive others, not because they necessarily deserve it, but so you can let go of the stress cause by their actions and enjoy life.
4. Maintain Relationships
There will be times where those we hold close will cause us grief. However, this does not mean we have to lose them. Whether it be with a family member, a significant other, or a friend, these fights and problematic situations do not always have to end in separation. However, many people do distance themselves from their loved ones after having a fight. Some do this out of pride, some out of principle, but no matter what, this causes a divide between the two. Why would you want to lose someone you care about over problems you could resolve?
Forgiving these people will allow you to maintain healthy relationships. Rather than holding onto resentment, which could ultimately cause the relationship to fail later on, you could give the person a chance to redeem themselves. Not only that, but forgiving the person will allow you to let go of any ill will towards them. Even the most gruesome and heinous acts can be forgiven, you just have to be willing to do so. Losing a loved one is something you will regret in the future, and you will most likely wish you could have resolved the problem before losing the person. Do not wait for that moment. Forgive now, mend the relationship, and move forward.
5. You Owe It to Yourself
Many people hold onto anger and resentment, because people feel the need to hold onto their pride. Because the person, or persons, did them wrong, they do not feel the need to forgive them. However, you are accepting unnecessary negativity into your life. The stress, anxiety, anger, and sadness which comes from holding a grudge can lower your quality of life. People will anger us, but it is how we deal with this anger which determines how we live our lives. So, if someone does you wrong, no matter how crushing it is, it is important to forgive them. It will bring you a sense of peace and allow you to move on. Rather than dwelling on the problem, you can enjoy life with a clear mind. Everybody deserves to be happy, so why would you prevent yourself that which we all strive for?
Song of the Blog
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1. Holding Onto Anger is Unhealthy
Stressful situations, no matter what the outcome, can often lead to anger, sadness, and anxiety. Many would also rather hold onto a grudge than forgive. This is understandable, as people seldom want to forgive. Often times, they believe the person, or persons, did them too much wrong and do not deserve forgiveness. The problem with this thinking is the person is holding onto negative feelings, which cause unhappiness and displeasure. We should not hold onto these feelings for long, because when people do so they usually dwell on them. When you dwell on something, you are spending your time and energy focusing on it. Regarding negative feelings, dwelling on them can cause unhappiness, stress, and make you feel like you missed out on pleasurable experiences.
Through forgiveness, you are allowing yourself to let go of any grudges or ill will making you feel unhappy, angry, or stressed. The weight is lifted off of your shoulders, and you no longer have to feel anger when the subject, or person, comes up. You are allowing yourself to clear your mind and focus on the important items in your life, such as personal development. Again, harboring anger towards someone or something does nothing but cause unhappiness. Learn to let go, learn to forgive, and see how different you feel afterwards.
2. Forgiveness Can Bring Closure
Many people feel the need to justify forgiveness before giving it, which is understandable. However, forgiveness does not always have to be about accepting what the person did, forgiveness can be used as a method of moving on with your life. When we hold onto anger and frustration, we are preventing ourselves from moving forward. The person to blame has a hold on your thoughts and feelings. We can prevent this through forgiveness. By forgiving the person, we allow ourselves the closure needed to move forward. Without proper closure, we may move through life feeling betrayed, saddened, or hurt. This prevents us from being the happy person we know we could be. So, instead of holding a grudge, forgive the person to give yourself closure, allowing yourself to be happy and not dwell on past actions of others.
3. Lower Stress Levels
Anger and resentment not only cause unhappiness and displeasure, but it can also create stress. People may believe the person who caused the anger is the person to blame, but this is not the case. Rather than forgiving the person, you choose to resent them for what happened, holding onto the anger. All you are doing is making yourself more anxious and stressed, because you associate the person with these feelings and emotions. Thus, whenever the person is seen, or comes into your thoughts, you will most likely feel anger, resentment, and stress yourself out instead of being happy. If you were to forgive, you would be letting go of the connection between negative emotions and the person. By letting go of the stressful connection, you can move on with your life, focus on other items, and be happier. We already have enough stress to deal with; work, personal responsibilities, and whatever else life throws our way. With everything we have to deal with, what is the point of creating more stress? Forgive others, not because they necessarily deserve it, but so you can let go of the stress cause by their actions and enjoy life.
4. Maintain Relationships
There will be times where those we hold close will cause us grief. However, this does not mean we have to lose them. Whether it be with a family member, a significant other, or a friend, these fights and problematic situations do not always have to end in separation. However, many people do distance themselves from their loved ones after having a fight. Some do this out of pride, some out of principle, but no matter what, this causes a divide between the two. Why would you want to lose someone you care about over problems you could resolve?
Forgiving these people will allow you to maintain healthy relationships. Rather than holding onto resentment, which could ultimately cause the relationship to fail later on, you could give the person a chance to redeem themselves. Not only that, but forgiving the person will allow you to let go of any ill will towards them. Even the most gruesome and heinous acts can be forgiven, you just have to be willing to do so. Losing a loved one is something you will regret in the future, and you will most likely wish you could have resolved the problem before losing the person. Do not wait for that moment. Forgive now, mend the relationship, and move forward.
5. You Owe It to Yourself
Many people hold onto anger and resentment, because people feel the need to hold onto their pride. Because the person, or persons, did them wrong, they do not feel the need to forgive them. However, you are accepting unnecessary negativity into your life. The stress, anxiety, anger, and sadness which comes from holding a grudge can lower your quality of life. People will anger us, but it is how we deal with this anger which determines how we live our lives. So, if someone does you wrong, no matter how crushing it is, it is important to forgive them. It will bring you a sense of peace and allow you to move on. Rather than dwelling on the problem, you can enjoy life with a clear mind. Everybody deserves to be happy, so why would you prevent yourself that which we all strive for?
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Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "New Light," by John Mayer!
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