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Five Important Life Lessons to Live By

     Today, I thought I would do something a little different.  Instead of discussing one topic, I thought I would share some life lessons based on my experience.  These nuggets of wisdom have helped me progress through life with an open, confident, and positive attitude.  I hope you benefit from them as much as I have.  Here are five important lessons to live by.

1. Speak up for Yourself
     Far too many live in silence due to the fear of conflicting ideologies.  Because of this, they end up putting themselves second to other people, agreeing with them, and/or allowing themselves to be pushed around.  People can and will take advantage, and it is saddening to know there are people who allow this to happen.  Everyone deserves to be heard.  Do not be afraid to defend yourself or your opinions when need be just because it conflicts with another person.  They are not better than you nor are their beliefs.  If someone pushes you around, do not be afraid to stand up against them.  You and your beliefs triumph over their selfishness.  The more we speak up for ourselves, the more confident we will be.  We will put ourselves before others in the right way.  So, allow your voice to be heard, do not live in fear of conflict, and use your newly-found confidence to achieve success.

2. Be Kind
     Violence gets you nowhere, and being mean not only hurts yourself but others as well.  By being kind, you are letting go of the anger and hatred within yourself, opening you up to new ways of thinking.  Instead of being angry at someone who is mean or did you wrong, kill them with kindness, forgive them, and be the bigger person.  Getting mad will solve nothing and could even make the situation worse.  If you see someone down on their luck, asking them how they are and giving a warm smile can brighten up their day.  You have more of an effect on the people around you than you think, and your attitude is contagious.  If you are kind, not only will you feel good, but others will as well.  They may even return the favor.  Always be kind, never lose your temper, and be the type of person you would want in your own life.

3. Laugh at Yourself
     Life is not as serious as people make it out to be.  To experience life’s joys, learning to laugh at yourself is a must.  Let go of the insecurities within, realizing whatever embarrassing event occurred is not a big deal, and laughing at the fact it happened is so freeing.  The more we laugh at ourselves, the less we are offended, saddened, or angered by what the world throws our way.  We need to be able to handle life positively, otherwise, we will fill our lives with unnecessary drama and negativity.  Being confident while preventing the little things from bothering you will allow you to focus on yourself and your personal goals.  Life is too short to be offended all of the time, remember that.

4. Work Towards Personal Development
     We deserve to be happy, but we will never achieve happiness if we do not work on ourselves.  True happiness comes from confidence, knowing who you are and what you want out of life.  To achieve this, we need to grow as individuals, learning more about ourselves through experience.  How this experience is obtained is based on the individual.  However, many people gain this experience through self-education, traveling, and trying new things.  The more we learn about ourselves, the more confident we are about what we want in life, and the easier it will be to achieve our goals.  Not only that but by working on yourself, you can help other people find their way since you have traveled a similar path.

5. Use Your Judgement
     We are told from a young age what and what not to do; go to school, do not smoke, take this path, etc.  As kids, we follow these lessons blindly, believing those who taught us are all-knowing.  The older we get, the more we are told, and sometimes, these ideas conflict with the ideas of others.  So the question is, who is correct?  The answer is nobody because it is up to you to decide what is right and what is wrong.  We are all unique and have our own beliefs.  We can be taught an ideology all of our lives, but it does not mean we will accept it as fact.  Our judgment is what leads us down the paths we choose, based on our life experience, knowledge, and personality.  For example, a heavy drinker may believe excessive drinking is okay whereas another person could say alcohol is the root of all evil.  Based on my knowledge, experience, and personality, I do not agree with either side.  I believe drinking is alright in moderation, and everyone is free to do what they want in life.  You may have an opinion that is completely different.  This is all based on judgment.  We look at the facts, our experiences, what we know, and the facts and ideologies of others.  We then draw a conclusion based on our newly formed conclusion.  However, in order to draw an accurate conclusion, we need to understand each side and why they believe what they do.  Otherwise, we are shooting in the dark, using our judgment inefficiently, and may end up following the wrong path.

Do you have any wisdom to share?  Be sure to let me know in the comments!

Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "Return of the Mack - C&J Extended Mix," by Mark Morrison!

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