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Showing posts from March, 2019

5 Things to Do This Spring

     Spring is here, and it is time to get out there and get things done!  However, where do we begin, and what should we do?  I can answer that for you.  Here are 5 actions to take this spring. 1. Summer Shopping Spring means warmth, and because of this, people begin to wear summer clothing, leaving their sweatshirts and jackets behind.  Unfortunately, it has been a while since you have worn your summer clothes.  You may have grown out of them, your style is different, or they no longer fit you appropriately.  Therefore, it may be time to do some summer shopping.  Luckily, clothing stores begin to sell summer apparel; shorts, dresses, bathing suits, etc. shortly after spring begins.  Many of these clothing stores have deals advertising their new merchandise, meaning the sooner you start shopping, the more you will save.  Not only that, but because most people are lazy, there will not be as many shopping in the beginning, w...

3 Self-Education Methods

     Personal development begins by taking the first step.  Usually, this involves learning something new in order to achieve goals.  Most of the time, the education we have learned in school does not prepare us to achieve what we want.  Therefore, we need to teach ourselves the necessary knowledge in order to succeed.  This can be a daunting task if you do not know where to look.  So, here are three self-education methods. 1. Reading      One of the most common ways to self-educate is by reading, not just books, but newspapers, articles, journals, and whatever else is considered informative.  No matter what the topic, there are most likely texts which can expand your knowledge on the subject.  This is why many successful people implore others to read as much as possible.  For example, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk are avid readers.  They understand knowledge is the key to success, and the more y...

3 Reasons to Incorporate Alone Time

     Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, incorporating alone time into your schedule can be beneficial.  Everyone needs time to themselves, whether it be to recharge from a long day or to focus on themselves.  It can be freeing, relaxing, and therapeutic.  So, here are three reasons to incorporate alone time. 1. Recharge Your Batteries      It is always a good idea to have some alone time to recharge your batteries.  Socializing, whether it be on the phone, talking to people face to face, or going out can be exhausting.  When we socialize, we are not always thinking of what is in our best interest but the group.  This can be physically and mentally tiring, especially when we are placed in situations we are not comfortable in.  When you finally decide to have some alone time, you are able to do whatever you want without the approval of others.  This is both freeing and relaxing, having nobody to think abou...

Four Benefits of a Couple’s Vacation

     Couples go on vacation together all of the time, and there are many benefits to doing so.  Going on vacation allows both people to leave their responsibilities behind, travel, and focus on each other.  As a result, a lot can happen, and a lot can change.  Here are four benefits of a couple's vacation. 1. Learn More About Your Partner      Being together at home can be different than vacationing together.   For one, you are not thinking about work, daily responsibilities, or getting ready for the next day.   Instead, you are in a new place away from reality, thinking about nothing except the next fun thing to do.   Sometimes, you have a lot of downtime to relax, and that is when conversations spark.   Vacationing is also a good way to learn more about your partner’s strengths and weaknesses and vice versa.   This, in turn, will allow you to better understand your partner, why they act a certain way and streng...

Five Important Life Lessons to Live By

     Today, I thought I would do something a little different.  Instead of discussing one topic, I thought I would share some life lessons based on my experience.  These nuggets of wisdom have helped me progress through life with an open, confident, and positive attitude.  I hope you benefit from them as much as I have.  Here are five important lessons to live by. 1. Speak up for Yourself      Far too many live in silence due to the fear of conflicting ideologies.  Because of this, they end up putting themselves second to other people, agreeing with them, and/or allowing themselves to be pushed around.  People can and will take advantage, and it is saddening to know there are people who allow this to happen.  Everyone deserves to be heard.  Do not be afraid to defend yourself or your opinions when need be just because it conflicts with another person.  They are not better than you nor are their beliefs.  ...

Five Ways to Experience True Love

     True love is more than being with somebody, it is a mixture of positive and negative experiences.  People forget this, and often times they give up on relationships for being too difficult, too much work, or they feel the person is too different.  Of course, these reasons are justifiable in certain situations, but it would seem many people jump the gun too quick.  People also tend to get into relationships for the sake of being in one, which is nothing but a waste of time.  To prevent these situations, here are five ways to experience true love. 1. Do Not Search      People feel the need to search because they are either lonely or fearful of being alone.  Many end up searching in the wrong places, or they find a person who is incompatible, dating them for the sake of being with someone.  This usually ends in the couple breaking up, the person losing confidence, and believing they are unlovable.  In reality, they ...

Five Reasons to Maintain Patience

     Patience is a virtue, and as such can be beneficial in everyday life.  We need patience to maintain a good quality of life, healthy relationships, and to lower stress, anxiety, and anger.  The sooner we realize this, the better off we become.  So, it is important to understand the reasons why being patient is useful.  Here are five reasons to have patience. 1. Good things come to those who wait      Many people become discouraged when they are not comfortable with where they are in life.  They are unsure of the future and are afraid they are not doing enough.  These thoughts come from impatience and fear.  The best way to go through life is by being patient, going with the flow, and focusing on one day at a time.  We all want our desired outcomes to come true.  Most of all, we want those outcomes to occur as quickly as possible.  This is not always the case, as outcomes can be unpredictable and can t...

The Importance of Understanding the Viewpoints of Others

     The founding fathers of the United States rose up against a world superpower to create a nation of freedom and opportunity.  Today, that nation stands as one the most powerful, as well as influential, nations in the world, The United States of America.  Rosa Parks, wanting to go home after a long day of work, became the catalyst to one of the largest movements against racial segregation.  Martin Luther King Jr., in a time of segregation and racism, rose up against the injustice, becoming the face of the civil rights movement and the youngest man to win a Nobel Peace Prize.  He later was assassinated for his beliefs, but his words live on in those he touched.  These men and women changed the world by sharing their perspective with others, being both praised and scolded for their beliefs and actions.  However, they did not become egotistical when they gained a following nor were they angry towards those who opposed.  Rather, they used...

Five Reasons to Forgive

     Life is too short to harbor anger and cause yourself unnecessary stress.  However, people often do so, even when it comes to the littlest things.  If people understood how unhealthy it was to harbor anger, stress, and frustration towards others, then they may feel more inclined to avoid it.  Forgiveness is one such way to avoid this path while increasing one's quality of life, and there are many reasons why.  Here are five of those reasons. 1. Holding Onto Anger is Unhealthy      Stressful situations, no matter what the outcome, can often lead to anger, sadness, and anxiety.  Many would also rather hold onto a grudge than forgive.  This is understandable, as people seldom want to forgive.  Often times, they believe the person, or persons, did them too much wrong and do not deserve forgiveness.  The problem with this thinking is the person is holding onto negative feelings, which cause unhappiness and displeasu...