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Five Ways to Boost Self-Confidence

     Self-confidence is the key to success, because those who believe in themselves are more likely to succeed.  Unfortunately, many people struggle in having self-confidence for various reasons.  Some give into the negatives of the world while others simply do not believe in themselves.  This mindset will do nothing but cause sadness, anger, and hopelessness.  The best way to gain self-confidence is through practice and determination.  Thankfully, there are a multitude of ways a person can do so if they are ready to take the first step.  Here are five ways to boost self-confidence.

1. Remember You Are Unique
     Humans share qualities, mannerisms, and lifestyle choices, but are all unique.  Everyone has their own traits and quirks which make them stand out.  People often forget this, believing they are but a face in the crowd.  This way of thinking can make a person feel average or unimportant.  However, what is important to remember is we all have something to bring to the table.  We have the ability to use our individuality to our advantage, not only by shaping our own futures, but the futures of others.  So, remind yourself of what makes you a unique individual, and be proud of what you discover.  Being accepting of who you are is the first step to boosting self-confidence.

2. Positive Thinking
     Think positively as much as possible, for it is what will aid you in achieving success.  People who are negative seldom believe in themselves and their abilities.  Their mindset has been warped to believe they are not good enough to achieve success.  So, instead of trying to achieve their goals, they sulk, complain, and pity themselves.  These are not the behavioral traits of a confident person.  Positivity, however, is one such mindset which brings about the possibility of success.  People with positive mindsets maintain optimism, believe in themselves, and have higher self-confidence levels than the average person.  Rather than succumbing to the negatives surrounding them, they see opportunity, happiness, and hope.  The good news is anyone can alter their mindset to be more positive.  The only obstacle blocking the way is ourselves.  We have to be open to changing the way we think in order to become a positive thinker.  When that has been accomplished, we have to continuously practice being positive.  The more we practice, the less the negatives of the world will affect us.  There will be a drastic change in the way you view the world as well as yourself once you make this change.

3. Embrace Change and Experience Life
     Change is everlasting, and the sooner we accept this truth, the easier it will be to experience life and obtain self-confidence.  Many people do not have confidence in themselves, because they are afraid of change.  Rather than take a risk, they accept defeat without trying.  By doing so, they close themselves off to new experiences, which not only stunts our growth as a person, but limits how much self-confidence we have in ourselves.  We need to embrace change, take risks, and experience as much as possible.  By doing so, we create this mindset where we are not afraid of leaving our comfort zone.  The less you are afraid of change, the more confident you will be in the future.

4. Socialize
     We have all had those moments where we feel awkward and/or nervous in social situations.  Some people even have social anxiety, being fearful or anxious when partaking in social interactions.  Either way, not knowing how to speak to people, or being too nervous to do so, can lower confidence.  Being unable to socialize effectively can also limit how far professionally a person can go climb.  The best way to counter this fear is to throw yourself into it.  Like anything else, socializing is a skill developed after acquiring experience.  If a person continuously socialized, not only would they feel more confident when interacting with other people, but they would also feel more relaxed in social settings.  Being relaxed and confident when socializing allows us to focus our attention towards other items, such as our goals, rather than worrying about what to say next.

5. Laugh at Yourself
     Learn to laugh at yourself, because life is not as serious as people make it out to be.  People make mistakes and embarrass themselves, but it only effects a person negatively if they allow it to.  Laughing at yourself is a great way to boost confidence, because it shows you do not care what other people think.  Rather than getting angry or saddened by embarrassment, you accept that you made a mistake, laugh at the fact it happened, and ignore the heckling of others.  There is no reason to get upset over something that will not matter a day, week, month, or year from now.  Why obsess over a small issue when you could focus on something more productive?  Practice laughing at yourself and see the impact it makes in your life.

     What do you think?  Have you used any of these methods to boost self-confidence?  Do you have any other methods?  Enjoying the smiling dog?  Be sure to let me know in the comments!

Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "Let It Rock'," by Kevin Rudolf!

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