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Five Customs of Successful Individuals

     Success, like beauty, lies in the eyes of the beholder.  I find this to be true, as everyone has their own version of success.  Everyone should work towards achieving their goals and becoming successful in their own way.  Though success varies from person to person, many successful people share similar traits and mindsets.  It is beneficial to understand these similarities, as you can apply them to your own life.  This, in turn, will aid in achieving goals, opening yourself up to new experiences, and shortening the gap between you and success.  Here are five customs of successful individuals.

1. Self-Education
     Those who are successful emphasize the importance of self-education.  The school system seldom prepares anyone to run their own business.  Rather, school is used primarily to find a job in an existing business.  Unfortunately, many people end their education upon graduating.  Those who have become self-made millionaires, such as Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and Robert Kiyosaki, have become successful by continuing their education.  They have emphasized the importance of reading every day, being aware of what is going on around them, and taking part in new experiences.  Learning allows us to become our best selves, both personally and professionally.  Not only do you discover more about yourself; your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses, but you can then use the knowledge gained to push yourself towards success and financial freedom.

2. Creativity
     Successful people often have creative minds, constantly thinking of new ways to evolve, develop, and grow.  Rather than sticking to the status quo, they are always trying to shake things up, thinking out of the box and trying new approaches.  Jeff Bezos, for example, created Amazon, the world’s most popular online shop and delivery service, with the goal of making Amazon the “everything store.”  To achieve this goal, he creatively thought of new ways to bring in customers, interest investors, and once Amazon was established, implement new ideas to grow the company.  Currently, he is the richest man in the world.  Jeff Bezos used his creativity to become successful and so can you.  Imagine, grow, and prosper.

3. Confidence
     Confidence is key, especially when it comes to success.  It allows us to push forward and achieve our goals.  Life can be difficult, and becoming successful is not simple.  Many people tend to give up, because they lack the confidence in believing they will succeed.  This is the difference between those who are successful and those who are not.  Successful people firmly believe in themselves and their ideas.  They understand the risks involved, but they do not see it as an obstacle.  Rather, successful people see a risk as an opportunity.  Steve Jobs could have failed when he started Apple, Bill Gates did not create Microsoft with the expectation it would become popular, and Jeff Bezos even admitted to his early investors Amazon would most likely fail.  However, because they were confident in themselves and what they were trying to build, they eventually achieved their goals.  To beat the game of life, you have to be willing to play.

4. Maintaining Self-Control
     Many people believe they are not in control of their lives.  There are multiple factors, the most common being laziness.  Other factors, such as stress, anxiety, or depression, can also prevent people from feeling in control.  Successful people feel this from time to time, but they always regain and maintain control for long periods of time.  They do this by upholding a positive mindset and practicing stress-relieving techniques.
     Successful people maintain mental control by thinking positively.  Rather than discouraging themselves, they tell themselves they will succeed and remain positive, even in times of turmoil.  To maintain physical control, they often exercise, meditate, and relieve stress through other various means.  These methods not only boost confidence, but allow you to feel in-control of yourself, your mind, and your body.  You are actively controlling your thoughts and physical limitations, and there is nothing more empowering.  So, find methods which work for you, use them to retake control, and work towards your own success.

5. Determination
     Successful people begin their journey like anyone else, with a dream and a willingness to take the first step.  What separates them from the majority is their determination and their willingness to follow through.  Many people will start the journey only to give up at the sight of the first obstacle.  They believe, if it does not come easy, then it is not worth pushing for.  Successful people understand failure only comes to those who do not try, and the only way to achieve success is to find a way around these obstacles.  The only way we fail is if we give up.  No matter what happens, following through with our plans and attempting to achieve our goals is better than losing interest at the sight of the first roadblock.

     What are your thoughts?  Do you have anything to add?  Be sure to let me know in the comments!

Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "You Dropped A Bomb On Me," by The Gap Band!

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