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Five Ways to Become Closer to Your Family

     Those we consider family are the people we love the most.  We often spend the most time with them, and if this is the case, everyone should have a close family, right?  Unfortunately, not everybody is fortunate enough to have a close family.  Some people come from broken homes while others do not spend enough time with their families to create a bond.  Thankfully, there are ways to become closer to family, but it requires time, effort, and dedication.  However, it will be well worth it in the end.  Here are five ways to become closer to your family.

1. Never Take Family for Granted
     People often forget the effort it takes to maintain relationships.  Nobody can expect to have a close family without spending time with them, getting to know more about them, and being there when needed.  We often become so wrapped up in our own problems that we forget about the people we love.  However, we should always catch ourselves and gravitate back to what truly matters.  Our families should always come first, and we should cherish them as much as we can.  Sometimes it can be difficult, but there is always a way to be there for the ones we love.  We expect family to be there when we need them, but what we need to remember is they expect the same from us.

2. Provide Emotional Support
     During times of stress, anger, depression, and confusion, family is there to provide emotional support.  Emotional support is helping someone get through their struggles and move forward.  Being a close family means providing emotional support when needed.  Family members will not always ask for it directly, so it is important to use your judgement.  Understand when and when not to provide emotional support.  Sometimes it is better to wait it out and let the person calm down before talking.  Once the person has relaxed, you can talk to them without their emotions dictating what they say.  You could also let them vent without saying a word.  This way, they are able to let out their emotions without new thoughts clouding their minds.  They also are appreciative you are there to listen, making them feel as if they were heard and are not alone.  The more you do this, the closer you will become to family.  Those you consider family expect their family members to be there when they need them, and when this becomes reality, they appreciate their family more.

3. Unconditional Love
     Having unconditional love means loving someone through the good times and bad, no matter what they do.  Those we consider family are the ones we should love unconditionally.  Being a family means loving each other's pros and cons, keeping their flaws in mind, but not letting them change the relationship.  Of course, some people do act horribly, and it can be difficult for their family members to continue loving them.  However, being a family means never giving up on each other, and understanding people can change.  Nobody has to agree with the horrible acts a family member my commit, but for their own sake, they should accept it and move on, continuing to love the person.  If the rolls were switched, you would most likely want someone there to provide love and support.

4. Trust
     Trust is an important aspect of any relationship, especially when it comes to family.  Trust creates a sense of loyalty, peace, and happiness, because we know we can always count on the ones we trust.  Without trust, there is only deception, greed, and selfishness.  Becoming closer to one's family means trusting the ones we love, believing in them, and expecting they will do the right thing.  Sometimes, family members lose their way, but it is important to never stop believing they will do what is right.  It may take time, but when they finally do change their ways, they will be grateful to you for trusting them to do the right thing.  So, always have trust in those you consider family, not because it is the right thing to do, but because you truly believe in what they say and what they will become.

5. Family Dinners
     Having family dinners is one of the best ways to become closer to one's family.  After a long day, the family comes together to share a meal, talk about their day, crack jokes, and relax.  It provides a sense of comfort, knowing there is something to look forward to every day with the people you love.  The memories made and conversations had strengthens the bond between family members.  Personally, I grew up hearing about how family dinners can prevent kids from taking drugs and drinking alcohol.  I believe this, because none of my siblings have a drug or alcohol problem, and we had family dinners every night.
     Without family dinners, people do not share these memories, talk about their days, or enjoy the time with the ones they love.  Instead, they go off on their own, doing what they want to do.  The problem with this is the family never strengthens their bond.  In fact, it weakens over time, and the people once considered family end up being the people you have to deal with every now and again. So, if you want to become closer to your family, get everyone together to share a meal.  Talk to one another, laugh together, and strengthen the bond that makes you a family.

Do you have any family stories?  Is there anything you would like to add?  Be sure to let me know in the comments!

Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "Family'," by Rodney Atkins!

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