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Five Signs of a True Friend

     We want to be surrounded by people who care about us.  Other than our families, friends are those who we hope will be there when we need them.  However, that is not always the case.  Some people hang out with the wrong crowd, or they choose friends who do not put enough effort into the relationship.  It can be rare to find a friend who is worthy of being a part of your life, which is why it is important to know how to spot true potential.  Here are five signs of a true friend.

1. Loyalty
     Loyalty is the foundation in which friendships are built.  With loyalty comes trust, and trust is everything.  Loyal friends will always have your back, through thick and thin.  Even when you are wrong, loyal friends will be there to provide comfort and support.  They also care about your well-being, which is why they will call you out when they believe you are in the wrong or are making a poor decision.  They will not double cross or talk behind your back to anyone else.  Ultimately, loyal friends will be there through good times and bad, never doubting the friendship.  You can rest easy knowing they will always be there, will never deceive, and are willing to help whenever possible.

2. Time Passed Means Nothing
     True friends can reconnect no matter how much time has gone by.  Days, weeks, months, or years without seeing each other do not impact the relationship.  When the person finally reconnects, the meetup feels as if little to no time has passed.  Both friends can pick up where they left off without feeling awkward.  These types of friends are the ones who truly matter because they are more likely to stay in touch.  They are low maintenance people who understand their friends have busy lives like they do.  So, there are no hard feelings when meetups are rare, or plans do not work out.  They will enjoy every moment spent with those they have not seen much, and will never feel neglected, deprived, or hurt.

3. A Willingness to Listen
     Friends who listen provide the comfort we so desperately need, the comfort of being heard.   Those who truly matter will always be willing to listen.  It is healthy to vent, especially when going through hard times.  Sometimes we will vent to anyone in an attempt to find comfort.  This is why friends who listen are some of the most important people in a person’s life.  We want people who not only understand our problems but will do their part to provide silent comfort when we need it.

4. Kindred Spirits
     A kindred spirit is someone who shares similar qualities to another, which can form a special bond between the two.  This connection can occur in a multitude of ways; sharing a similar experience, common interests, or having similar views.  They are easy to talk to, and spending together is always an enjoyable experience.  We actively search for these types of people, as they are the ones who truly understand who we are.  We can rely on this understanding to set our minds at ease when times are tough.

5. Fights Do Not Last Long
     Friends have disagreements, but the outcome is what tests a relationship.  When it comes to true friends, fights do not last long.  Rather than holding onto their pride, they will try to resolve the issue.  The reason being is they understand the value of friendship, and a few fights do not justify the end of the relationship.  Grudges are almost nonexistent because these friends understand the importance of proper communication.   Their pride is less important than losing someone they care about.

Do you have a true friend?  Are there any qualities you want to add?  Let me know in the comments!

Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "You've Got a Friend in Me," by Randy Newman!

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YOU, SCROLLING THROUGH THIS BLOG, thank you for reading!  I thoroughly enjoy talking with my readers, so shoot me a message, or leave a comment, if you want to chat!  Thank you!


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