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Five Lessons I Learned after Graduating College

     College was a great experience, and I would do it again if I could, but it blinded me to reality.  The truth is, the real world is nothing like college.  I was nervous having to adapt to all the changes after graduation.  Since then, I have learned a lot about the real world, and I am comfortable where I currently am.  If you are in college, about to graduate, or even out of college, heed my words.  You may learn something.  Here are five lessons I learned after graduating college.

1. Life Begins After College
     Life does not begin in college, it begins after graduation.  The real world is different than college, having many positives and negatives.  Positively, you are more independent than ever.  Having the ability to find a well-paying job, live wherever you please, and spend extra cash however you want is life changing.  Negatively, there are bills to pay, you only have a vague idea of how to move forward, and there are a multitude of other responsibilities requiring time, money, and mental fortitude.  While in college, you do not necessarily think about real world responsibilities.  We are caught up in the same routine; going to class, doing homework, and spending the rest of our time relaxing.  I enjoyed the free time myself, but I should have spent some time thinking about my future.  We are only in college for four years.  We have another 80 plus to live.  If you are in college, spend some free time thinking about the future and what goals you want to accomplish.  Experience new things and educate yourself as much as possible.  College may not be the reality, but it can definitely be used as a catalyst for real world success, both personally and professionally.  Spend your time wisely.

2. There Are No Guarantees
     Everybody has a shot at success, but there are no guarantees.  Becoming successful requires hard work, dedication, and time.  However, people seem to forget this, and when they realize the amount of effort it takes, they become discouraged.  For example, some people have this impression college will guarantee a well-paying job after graduation.  Many are dissatisfied when they end up working in an entry level position.  They expected too much, and when their expectations were not met, they were disappointed.  Most people need to work their way up the corporate ladder to obtain their dream job.  Because there are no guarantees, it is best not to raise expectations.  That way, there will be less disappointment, and when you do accomplish a goal, find your dream job, or succeed in any way, it will be more meaningful.

3. The Importance of Self Education
     Self-education is the key to becoming successful.  A trait among those who are successful is their outlook on learning.  Most people end their educational career when they graduate college.  Others take it a step further, reading books and gaining experience on their own time to further their learning.  These types of people are the ones who become successful, because they understand the value of knowledge.  They use this knowledge to push forward and accomplish goals.  Some of these people, like Steve Jobs, never finished college or did not attend, but their perseverance, as well as their willingness to learn, took them farther than those with degrees.  A college degree will help you find a job to pay the bills, but self-education can make you rich, both in your personal life and professional life.  Never stop learning.

4. Positivity is the Key to Happiness
     It is easy to succumb to the negativity in the world, especially after graduating college.  As a graduate, you now have numerous responsibilities with little guidance.  People soon realize how different college is to the real world, and having to face new terrain can be daunting.  Unfortunately, this negativity can be overwhelming, and often consumes the person, which can lead to depression, anger, and frustration.  It is important to remain positive, or at least optimistic, as much as possible.  Life is unpredictable, but how we handle it does not have to be.  Remaining positive, even in the worst situations, can make a huge difference in stress levels and overall happiness.  Negativity does nothing but worsen the situation.  It is easy to give into negativity, most people do, but anyone can turn a negative situation into a positive one with the right mindset.

5. Expect the Unexpected
     No matter how much we may plan, life is unpredictable.  What we expect can be much different than what actually happens.  When I first graduated, I planned to pay off my loans within two years, was single, and wanted to move to Florida and do some soul searching.  A year and a half later, I am about a year away from paying off my loans, have a girlfriend whom I love very much, and am rethinking my soul searching idea.  Nobody knows where they are going to be a year from now.  Look at yourself in the mirror and think about how different you were a year ago.  Now, think about how different you will be in one year.  Expect the unexpected and go with the flow.  Life will throw curve balls, but it is how we handle these curve balls which determines our level of happiness.

What are your thoughts?  What are your college experiences?  Be sure to let me know in the comments! 

Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "High School Never Ends," by Bowling For Soup!

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