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Showing posts from February, 2019

Five Customs of Successful Individuals

     Success, like beauty, lies in the eyes of the beholder.  I find this to be true, as everyone has their own version of success.  Everyone should work towards achieving their goals and becoming successful in their own way.  Though success varies from person to person, many successful people share similar traits and mindsets.  It is beneficial to understand these similarities, as you can apply them to your own life.  This, in turn, will aid in achieving goals, opening yourself up to new experiences, and shortening the gap between you and success.  Here are five customs of successful individuals. 1. Self-Education       Those who are successful emphasize the importance of self-education.  The school system seldom prepares anyone to run their own business.  Rather, school is used primarily to find a job in an existing business.  Unfortunately, many people end their education upon graduating.  Those who ha...

Five Ways to Improve Your Relationship

     Relationships can be difficult, but are rewarding.  Many people struggle to find happiness in a relationship, because they do not know how to maintain, strengthen, or progress one.  However, there are many different ways a person can do so, not only by changing their own habits, but the habits of their significant other as well.  Here are five ways to improve your relationship. 1. Improve Communication      Communication is one, if not the most important part of a relationship.  Strong communication allows you and your significant other to understand each other’s thoughts, opinions, and emotions.  You also learn more about each other through talking, allowing you to become closer to the person.  Without proper communication, you and your significant other will not be on the same page.  This can be problematic, as not knowing the other’s thoughts can lead to overthinking, resentment, and anger.  Often times, wh...

Five Ways to Boost Self-Confidence

     Self-confidence is the key to success, because those who believe in themselves are more likely to succeed.  Unfortunately, many people struggle in having self-confidence for various reasons.  Some give into the negatives of the world while others simply do not believe in themselves.  This mindset will do nothing but cause sadness, anger, and hopelessness.  The best way to gain self-confidence is through practice and determination.  Thankfully, there are a multitude of ways a person can do so if they are ready to take the first step.  Here are five ways to boost self-confidence. 1. Remember You Are Unique      Humans share qualities, mannerisms, and lifestyle choices, but are all unique.  Everyone has their own traits and quirks which make them stand out.  People often forget this, believing they are but a face in the crowd.  This way of thinking can make a person feel average or unimportant.  However...

Five Ways to Become Closer to Your Family

     Those we consider family are the people we love the most.  We often spend the most time with them, and if this is the case, everyone should have a close family, right?  Unfortunately, not everybody is fortunate enough to have a close family.  Some people come from broken homes while others do not spend enough time with their families to create a bond.  Thankfully, there are ways to become closer to family, but it requires time, effort, and dedication.  However, it will be well worth it in the end.  Here are five ways to become closer to your family. 1. Never Take Family for Granted      People often forget the effort it takes to maintain relationships.  Nobody can expect to have a close family without spending time with them, getting to know more about them, and being there when needed.  We often become so wrapped up in our own problems that we forget about the people we love.  However, we should always c...

Five Ways to Lower Stress Levels

     It is natural to become stressed, but we should do what we can to calm ourselves.  Stress can lower productivity, focus, and our quality of life.  Thankfully, there are many ways to calm ourselves when stressful situations arise.  Here are five ways to lower our stress levels. 1. Catch Yourself Overthinking      Overthinking is something everybody handles differently.  We usually overthink when we are unsure or do not fully understand a situation.  Most people expect the worst, stressing themselves out in the process.  However, we usually do not find ourselves in these worst case scenarios, later realizing we were overthinking the whole situation.  Throughout this ordeal, we commit self-sabotage, stressing ourselves out and behaving irregularly because of our assumptions.  We end up being disappointed in ourselves for thinking and behaving the way we did.      The best way to avoid self-di...

Five Signs of a True Friend

     We want to be surrounded by people who care about us.  Other than our families, friends are those who we hope will be there when we need them.  However, that is not always the case.  Some people hang out with the wrong crowd, or they choose friends who do not put enough effort into the relationship.  It can be rare to find a friend who is worthy of being a part of your life, which is why it is important to know how to spot true potential.  Here are five signs of a true friend. 1. Loyalty      Loyalty is the foundation in which friendships are built.  With loyalty comes trust, and trust is everything.  Loyal friends will always have your back, through thick and thin.  Even when you are wrong, loyal friends will be there to provide comfort and support.  They also care about your well-being, which is why they will call you out when they believe you are in the wrong or are making a poor decision.  They w...

Five Lessons I Learned after Graduating College

     College was a great experience, and I would do it again if I could, but it blinded me to reality.  The truth is, the real world is nothing like college.  I was nervous having to adapt to all the changes after graduation.  Since then, I have learned a lot about the real world, and I am comfortable where I currently am.  If you are in college, about to graduate, or even out of college, heed my words.  You may learn something.  Here are five lessons I learned after graduating college. 1. Life Begins After College      Life does not begin in college, it begins after graduation.  The real world is different than college, having many positives and negatives.  Positively, you are more independent than ever.  Having the ability to find a well-paying job, live wherever you please, and spend extra cash however you want is life changing.  Negatively, there are bills to pay, you only have a vague idea of how t...

Five Reasons Exercise Is Beneficial to Your Health

     Those who exercise understand how beneficial it is to one’s well-being.  Not only do you feel physically healthier, but mentally, you feel like a different person.   There are numerous benefits to exercise, and a person would be doing themselves a disservice to stand idle.   Try it out and see for yourself.  In the meantime, Here are five reasons why exercise is beneficial to one’s health. 1. Decreases the Frequency of Negative Thoughts      We all have negative thoughts and feelings from time to time.  During those times, many people tend to focus on the negatives rather than change their mindset.  Usually, this is because they have no outlet to distract themselves.  Exercise could be this distraction.  When exercising, it requires focus and energy.  Naturally, we focus on the task at hand rather than negative thoughts and feelings.  Therefore, exercise allows us to let go of the negative, at l...