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Life Advice Blog #23 - New Years Resolutions

     Many have New Year’s resolutions, but few push themselves towards achievement.  It takes much more than setting a goal for it to become a reality.  Achieving the goal requires planning, dedication, and the desire to succeed.  However, there are people who want to achieve their goals and dedicate the time and effort to succeed, yet they still fail.  There are a multitude of reasons for this, and these reasons are also why there are people who never get past the idea stage of a New Year’s Resolution. Many try to adapt to numerous changes too quickly.  They become overwhelmed and eventually stop chasing their goals.  People also lack the confidence to push themselves to success, believing that they are weaker than they actually are.  Laziness also plays a role, because people will often give up when they do not feel like doing something, or when results take more time than expected.  People need to realize that, in order for New Year’s resolution to become a reality, they need to believe in themselves, never give up, and slowly adapt to the necessary changes.

      The best way to accomplish a New Year’s resolution is to ease into change.  Taking the first step is important, but it is how a person takes those steps that determines success or failure.  Change can be difficult, especially when it comes to one’s lifestyle choices.  New Year’s resolutions frequently require this type of change.  People often forget this, and when they set their resolutions, they do so without creating a plan of success.  Without a proper plan, it is easier to spread oneself too thin, because there is too much change happening at once.  This can lead to the person giving up and going back to their old ways.  For example, if a person wants to start going to the gym, but does not have a plan as to when they should go, how they should eat, or what exercises to perform, they will most likely fail.  The person will go to the gym at random times, eat the same food they normally eat, and when they see little to no results, give up, believing it was a fruitless endeavor to begin with.

      This example is of a person who tried to change their lifestyle too quickly and without guidance. Their goal required a lifestyle change which takes time to adapt to.  Had this person done more research and eased into change one day at a time, the outcome may have been different.  The person could have gone to the gym once a week, practiced the exercises, and ate healthier food.  As time went on, the person could have went to the gym more and continued to eat healthy all while doing research, gaining knowledge, and expanding their plan.  Eventually, this change would have become a part of this person’s lifestyle, and they would have successfully achieved their New Year’s resolution.  This way of thinking can be applied to any resolution a person may have.  As long as a person sets a goal, does their research, creates a plan of action, and slowly adapts to the changes necessary, chance of success will dramatically increase.

      Lastly, the most important step in achieving a New Year’s resolution is to never give up.  Anybody can do their research, create a plan of action, and take the first step towards achieving their goals, but the willpower and determination of the person will decide the outcome.  Sheer laziness and lack of confidence are the main causes of failure.  People are able to push themselves harder than they believe, but often tell themselves that they cannot do what they set out to do. They either do not have the confidence to believe in themselves or they are lazy and do not want to put in the work. People also give up when they do not see instantaneous results, which is a problem, because not everything in life can come so quickly.  The only way a person will achieve their goals is if they break through these barriers. They need to believe in themselves and have a positive outlook on the situation.  They also have to tell themselves that their goal might take more time than expected.  However, pushing through the barriers, as tough as they may be, is worth the struggle when your New Year’s resolutions have finally been achieved. 

Song of the Blog
Today’s song of the blog is “Eye of the Tiger,” by Survivor. Listen while reading for a better experience!
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