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Life Advice Blog #21 - Relaxation

     Relaxation is just as important as working hard.  People tend to work themselves to the bone in order to achieve their goals.  Everyone needs to do this once in a while.  However, constantly working this way can lead to fatigue, ultimately leading to the person giving up on what they set out to do.  This is why there has to be a balance between hard work and relaxation.  Working hard all of the time will lead to failure due to fatigue.  Constantly relaxing leads to laziness, meaning nothing will be accomplished.  By balancing hard work and relaxation, a person is able to accomplish their goals while also maintaining the motivation to do so.

     Nobody should think that relaxing is a waist of time.  Relaxing is the best way to regain the strength and motivation to work hard.  Without relaxation, success would be much more difficult to obtain, because people would lose the motivation to push forward.  The next time you feel fatigued, remember to relax, because you are of no use to anybody when overworked, especially yourself.  Take as much time as you need, and when the time is right, do what you have to do.  Life is a balance, and as long as you maintain balance, you will have a higher chance of accomplishing your goals.

     Remember that no one relaxes in the same fashion.  Everyone has their own thoughts, opinions, ideas, and preferences.  You should never feel obligated to relax in the same manner as another person.  Remember to always stay true to yourself and do what you love.  It is not considered relaxing if you have to make yourself believe it is.

Song of the Blog
Today’s song of the blog is “She’s So High,” by Tal Bachman. Listen while reading for a better experience!
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