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Life Advice Blog #19 - Hope

     Hope is the reason people strive to achieve their goals and make a difference, not only in their own life, but in the lives of others as well.  There is no denying that life can be full of hardship and negativity, but it can also be filled with happiness, adventure, and wonder.  Unfortunately, much of the world focuses on the negative aspects of life, often succumbing to their effects.  These people often live an unsatisfactory life or end their lives prematurely in hopes of stopping the pain.  What these people lack is hope, the mindset that everything is going to be ok.  Hope is grabbing onto the positive aspects during dark times, ensuring oneself that these positives will be reachable once again. It is also the reassurance people use to push themselves to work hard and achieve their goals.  People of the past have used hope as a tool to advance humanity, dedicating their lives to making a difference in the world.  Through hope, reassurance, intelligence, and passion, they maintained their due diligence and accomplished their goals, improving their lives and the lives of others.  Had they succumbed to the negativity of life, these improvements would have remained ideas. No matter what the reason, hope should be used by everybody as a means to push forward and change their lives for the better.

    The darkness experienced in life is uniquely diverse, and as such will be different for each individual.  We cannot control the occurrence of these experiences.  However, what we can control is the outlook.  Through the use of hope, we can reduce the severity of negativity associated with the darkness.  It allows the person to focus on the positives of the future, and this particular instance does not determine their overall happiness.  Hope can also prevent a person from succumbing to the negatives of hardship.  Whether it be the loss of a loved one, stress, or other problems, nobody should let the end result determine the rest of their life.  People will actively sabotage themselves by doing this, remaining unhappy and even ending their lives.  They cannot deal with the situation and believe that life is not worth living.  However, life is never set in stone.  Life can be awful in one instance and happy the next.  People who are hopeful realize this, and in turn focus on the positives. By doing so, they are preventing themselves from living a life of sadness, anger, resentment, and failure. Anyone who is dealing with hardship should apply this knowledge to their own life.

    Hope also makes people strive for achievement, aiding them in following through with what they set out to do.  Successful people have used hope as a means of encouragement throughout human history.  They believed that they would be successful as long as they continued to work hard and kept moving forward.  Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, and George Washington, the first President of the United States, are prime examples.  Thomas Edison failed one thousand times before inventing the light bulb. Throughout his journey, he used hope as a means of pushing himself to succeed.  If he had focused on his failures and given up, believing his invention was a lost cause, the world would be void of one of the greatest inventions humans have ever created.  George Washington became the first President of the free world after fighting alongside his brethren in the Revolutionary War.  His hope played a major role in his performance, because he hoped the colonies would become their own independent nation.  He fought for what he believed in with high hopes his actions would aid in loosening England’s grip.  Had he focused on England’s strength, believing they could never be defeated, the United States may never have existed.  Through the use of hope, these men never stopped pushing themselves, and neither should you.

     Never stop pushing forward, and never believe that negativity is the only outcome.  Remain hopeful and change will come.  Hardships are obstacles life throws at us, but those who remain hopeful come out stronger.  They are the ones who live happy lives.  Success comes to those who work hard, push forward, and remain hopeful in their abilities.  Everyone can do this, but it is a lifelong practice.  However, it is one of the most influential and useful acts a person can do to better their lives.

Song of the Blog
Today’s Song is “The Cave,” by Mumford and Sons!  Listen while reading for a better experience!

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