Motivation is what separates those who do from those who do not. We are able to accomplish goals much faster when we are motivated to do so. However, it can be difficult, and sometimes strenuous, to obtain the motivation necessary to accomplish our goals. The fact of the matter is that motivation does not come from one source. We are individually unique and acquire motivation through various means. This can be both a positive and a negative, as some people may yet to have found their own methods of acquiring motivation. I am here to share my own methods and to hopefully help you find your own motivation in becoming your best self. The three methods I have used to acquire motivation are; being positive, thinking of my loved ones, and the want of accomplishing my goals.
Loved ones are as important to becoming motivated as positivity. The reason being is we want to make them proud through achievement. Personally, I enjoy telling my family, friends, and significant other that I am doing my best to make my dreams a reality. The recognition you receive from those closest to you should be a driving factor in acquiring motivation. Deep down, we all have a desire to feel important, wanted, needed, and/or praised by the people we respect the most. We cannot expect this recognition if we never take risks and start the journey accomplishment. Those who work hard to fulfill their dreams not only have the mindset of making their dreams come true, but to earn the respect and praise of their loved ones as well. The failure to achieve this recognition motivates people into working hard and completing their task.
Being positive is the gateway to acquiring motivation, as often we need to be positive in order to believe in ourselves. Most people do not have trouble acquiring a positive mindset, but keeping it is a different story. The world can be so negative, and due to unforeseen circumstances, this negativity can drive a positive individual towards the negative side of the spectrum. It is alright to be negative sometimes, but it is important to steer back towards positivity as soon as possible. The problem is many people allow the negativity to consume them, and because of this, they lack the positivity to acquire motivation and achieve. So, in order to prevent yourself from losing your way and to remain positive, remember to always see the good in life, no matter what. Life is full of hardships, but the only way acquire long lasting motivation is to remain positive and move forward. Those who have succeeded in life have come to this realization, and it is because they have trained themselves to remain positive that they are able to stay motivated and accomplish their goals.
Loved ones are as important to becoming motivated as positivity. The reason being is we want to make them proud through achievement. Personally, I enjoy telling my family, friends, and significant other that I am doing my best to make my dreams a reality. The recognition you receive from those closest to you should be a driving factor in acquiring motivation. Deep down, we all have a desire to feel important, wanted, needed, and/or praised by the people we respect the most. We cannot expect this recognition if we never take risks and start the journey accomplishment. Those who work hard to fulfill their dreams not only have the mindset of making their dreams come true, but to earn the respect and praise of their loved ones as well. The failure to achieve this recognition motivates people into working hard and completing their task.
Lastly, the desire to accomplish your own goals should be the driving factor in acquiring motivation. Think of something that you want to do and how great it would feel to turn it into a reality. There is nothing stopping you from doing this other than yourself. The most common problem in achieving success in life is pure laziness. The best way to overcome this laziness is to continuously remind yourself of your ambitions. My advice would be to tell yourself that you will accomplish your goals, no matter how long it takes. Doing this every day will put you in a successful mindset while also motivating you to work hard at achieving your dreams.
It will take a while to achieve success, as it is not something that happens overnight. However, your desire of becoming successful will push you further than anything else. Write down what you want to accomplish in life, push yourself forward, and reach success. Millions of people have done so throughout human history and you can to. The only thing in the way of success is you, so stay motivated, push forward, and do not become your own obstacle.
Song of the Blog
Today’s Song is “Hall of Fame,” by The Script! Listen while reading for a better experience!
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