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Life Advice Blog #11 - Travel

     Travel is an important aspect of life that should not be overlooked. There are so many benefits to travel that it is imperative to do so at some point in ones lifetime. The most prominent benefit of travel is its contribution to one’s own personal growth. In Blog #10 - Experience, we discussed the importance of obtaining experience. It is what aids us in growing and maturing as an individual. Travel is one such activity that provides a person with limitless amounts of experience. The difference in scenery will not only open the eyes to new things, but it will also allow the traveler to better understand the world and its different variables.

     A couple of years ago, my friends and I planned a vacation to the western United States. I had never traveled outside of the East Coast before, so to travel out west for ten days was an eye opening experience. Our plan was to see the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park. This meant a lot of driving but also a lot of sight seeing. Overall, within a span of ten days I was in six different states and had many new experiences. We did see the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone, but hours of driving lead us to other locations as well. It was a trip I will never forget.

     I almost bailed on my trip out west. I was afraid to leave the comfort of my home and experience new things. That trip not only took me out of my comfort zone, but I grew as a person. Had I not gone out west, I would have never seen the deserts of Arizona, the pine forests of Idaho, or the plains of Montana. I would have never seen the bison grazing in the valleys of Yellowstone or hiked down the Grand Canyon. Those types of memories stay with you until the day you die.

     Those are the types of memories that you need to make yourself. Travel will provide you with important life experience. You will see how other people live in these different areas, experience the beauty of the world, and have stories to tell in the future. You were not meant to live in the same cave for your entire life. Move around and experience everything that the world has to offer.

Song of the Blog
Today’s Song is “America,” by Austin Plaine!  Listen while reading for a better experience!

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