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5 Reasons Why Following Through with Your Goals Is Life-Changing

     I would like to start off by saying thank you for reading my 100th blog post.  I have now been writing this blog for over a year and I can't believe so much time has passed already.  Before I started this blog, all I wanted to do was find a way to help others through some sort of outlet.  My writing became that outlet and it has been an amazing journey thus far.  So, whether you have been with me for an entire year or just discovered my blog, thank you for being here and being apart of my journey.  I cannot thank you enough.  Tonight's blog is special because I have taken what I have learned from this year-long journey and compiled it together.  I hope it inspires you to follow your own path and achieve success.  So, without further adieu, here are five reasons why following through with your goals is life-changing!
1. Personal Growth
     Taking the plunge and following through with what you set out to accomplish is how change occurs.  A year from now, you will most likely be a completely different person.  Life happens, and as time goes by, our priorities change naturally.  However, when we decide to take matters into our own hands, we can alter the path we are walking on.  When we do so, we experience more than we could have imagined, and that is when personal growth ensues.  Success takes dedication, the willingness to succeed, and progress.  To make progress, we often have to make changes to various aspects of life; our habits, lifestyle, and time management are a few examples.  Throughout this journey, change can occur.  Our priorities, goals, and likes/dislikes may be altered.  By how much varies from person to person but the results are the same, you are no longer the person you once were.  More so, you are more dedicated to your achievements than ever before, always thinking of the next step to make or project to take on.
2. Increased Confidence
     We all tend to put ourselves down when we are not productive, especially when it comes to life goals.  The longer we put these goals off, the worse we feel.  More so, our self-confidence diminishes because we trust ourselves less to make the necessary changes to succeed.  There is only one way to counter this feeling, taking the first step and following through.  The minute you begin to work towards success, your self-confidence will increase dramatically.  You feel as if you can take on the world and come out unscathed.  This is because we are overcoming the feelings of laziness, unproductivity, and sadness by following through with what we want to accomplish.  Increased confidence also provides yourself the opportunity to accomplish other goals you make throughout life.  When we have confidence in ourselves, life becomes more about progress rather than survival.  In doing so, we experience more of what life has to offer while having a great time in the process.
3. Experience
     The life experience we gain through following through is invaluable.  Everything we do throughout life, whether it be personal or professional, teaches us something.  The more we throw ourselves into, the more experience we gain.  This applies to both life experience as well as experience in whatever the project or situation requires to achieve success, such as experience in a particular skill.  So, when we decide to take the first step, make progress, and achieve success, the journey had taught us much about ourselves, life, and provides the opportunity to learn new skills.  Traveling out of the country, for example, requires knowledge of acquiring a password, knowing which airports to fly out of, a little about the country you want to travel to, etc.  All of this knowledge can be applied to both the task at hand as well as future tasks which may require similar knowledge.
4. The Feeling of Preparedness
     Life is unpredictable, which can be nerve-wracking when thinking about the future, but there are ways we can lessen this feeling of uncertainty.  Many people are often lost as to what they want to do with their lives.  This can be unsettling.  If we do not feel prepared for the future, we end up expecting the worst possible outcome to occur.  The fact of the matter is, the more we learn, whether it be about life or a particular skill, can provide a sense of preparedness.  Following through with our goals is one such way to acquire this knowledge.  The more we experience and learn, the more valuable we become.  The more valuable we are, the higher the chance of future success.  We will never be 100% prepared for the mysteries of life, but having the knowledge to maneuver around the roadblocks will make life much easier and relaxed.
5. It’s Fun
     If the other reasons did not pique your interest then this one should.  Putting it simply, following through with your goals is fun because when we do, we are usually making progress towards something we are passionate about.  Not only that but the further we progress, the more we learn and the more fun we have.  Increased knowledge opens up doors leading to new opportunities.  Learning more about a particular subject when writing, for example, provides us with the opportunity to write numerous articles about topics within that subject.  Essentially, you can have more fun with what you are passionate about when you learn more about what it is associated with.  This paired with a creative and imaginative mind leads to endless possibilities.  Overall, follow through with your goals for the simple fact that there is fun to be had, and who doesn’t want to have some fun now and again?

     I hope you enjoyed tonight's blog.  Once again, thank you for reading and being apart of this.  I hope to continue bringing you content that is both enjoyable and helpful to you.  I'll see you in the next blog!

📖 Be sure to add Scanlon Blogs to your reading list! ðŸ“–

Have anything to add?  Let me know how you feel in the comments! ✏️

🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'Hall of Fame' by The Script!

Follow me on social media! ðŸ“±

YOU, SCROLLING THROUGH THIS BLOG, thank you for reading!  I thoroughly enjoy talking with my readers, so shoot me a message, or leave a comment, if you want to chat!  Thank you!


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