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The Key to Obtaining More Free Time

     Free time is a luxury we all want in large quantities, not only to unwind from long days but to do the things we enjoy.  We often use this time to work on ourselves and achieve personal goals.  However, the amount of free time a person has is dependent on their work ethic, productivity, and willingness to succeed.  There are only 24 hours in the day, and how we allocate that time defines the outcome.  If people want free time to spend doing what they want to do, they will need to allocate their time accordingly.  This means keeping focus and completing daily responsibilities.  Taking frequent breaks does nothing but cut into future free time. 

     People often forget about the free time they have throughout the day, such as during lunch breaks or when they have a light workload.  This free time is often used elsewhere; checking social media, talking to colleagues, or simply doing nothing.  They are essentially taking out a loan on their daily free time to be used towards other activities.  They then have to pay it back by taking some of their future free time to complete unfinished tasks.  A student, for example, who procrastinates for a month on a school project now has to spend the entire day to complete it.  Rather than being productive during those small instances, he chose to relax, put the project off, and expect to get some work done the following day.  As a result, the free time he could have had the day prior to the due date was allocated to the project.  He did not lose free time overall, because he had allocated it sporadically throughout the month.  However, the quality of his free time decreased due to his decision to use it inefficiently.
     Those instances of free time can make the difference between an open night and a late one.  If you dedicate some time towards working on projects during those instances, you will not have to pay for it later on by sacrificing time to yourself.  By doing so, you will have more opportunities to do what you want to do, whether that be relaxing or working on personal projects.  Would you rather spend your night worrying about something you could have done in the morning?  Is it not better to have free time when it truly matters rather than irregularly throughout the day?    

     Free time allows us to break away from our normal routine and focus on other aspects of life.  We can do whatever we want, including work on ourselves and towards success.  We need to push through laziness and procrastination in order to have an acceptable amount of free time.  Find certain periods of time you could allocate towards working, giving you extra free time later on.  We deserve to live our lives to the fullest, and that includes having an acceptable amount of time to do what we want to do.  Do not work yourself to the bone and forget about yourself.  You are worth more than that and deserve happiness.  Remember, life is about being the best ‘you’ you can be.  You seldom cannot achieve this by not putting time into getting to know yourself, your abilities, and talents.
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Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "Millionaires," by The Script

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