True happiness lies within our humanity, not
our possessions. Today’s ever-growing
society emphasizes the importance of materialism. Most of today’s commercials, advertisements,
and media will have you believe money, power, and material gain are what creates
happiness. Of course, this is because
companies and individuals have an agenda, to sell their products and increase
their own wealth. Although they have the
right to do so, to say materialism is the best way to experience happiness is unprecedented. People are losing their sight on the true
values which generate long-lasting happiness; giving back, making memories with
loved ones, personal development, etc. In
short, true happiness is something money cannot buy and it comes in many forms.
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There are many
people who strive to be rich, believing money is the answer to their
problems. Financial success means the
freedom to do whatever, whenever, and with few limitations. There is no problem in striving to be rich,
as people who become wealthy have the opportunity to give back to their
communities and personally develop, a form of true happiness. However, there are those who strive to become
rich because they believe money and material gain is the key to happiness. In truth, money is the root of all evil. Money causes greed, distrust, and blinds
people from reality. Of course, wealth
can resolve many financial issues, but it cannot buy true happiness. Although you could buy a yacht or a mansion,
you could not buy a girlfriend who truly loves you, a family to make memories
with or the respect of the public.
This is why many
wealthy people believe money means nothing if there is nobody to share it
with. It is also the reason why many wealthy
men and women share their fortune with others via charity, donations, and
fundraisers. For example, when the Notre
Dame Cathedral caught fire, a wealthy man by the name of Bernard Arnault
donated 200 million euros in reconstruction efforts (1). Arnault did not donate for recognition,
power, or financial gain, he did it out of kindness. He understood Notre Dame was a symbol of
culture and cherished by the French population.
He knew he could help and wanted to give back to the community.
The desire to
give back and the satisfaction gained from helping others is a form of true
happiness. The pleasure one receives
from helping others is more rewarding than any material object. Everybody has an underlying desire to give
back. It is in our nature to do so, despite
what some may believe. You may have done
so on a smaller scale; bought food for a loved one, donated to a small charity,
or maybe you did something nice for your parents as a token of
appreciation. Either way, these acts
create the same feeling people like Bernard Arnault experience when giving back
to the community. In short, material
wealth does not generate true happiness unless the individual uses it to do
so. Second, giving back to loved ones
and the community creates long-lasting happiness which will outlive a mansion
or a yacht. Last and most importantly, true
happiness cannot be bought.
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🎶 Song of the Blog 🎶
Today's Song of the Blog is 'Rich Girl' by Deryl Hall & John Oates!
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