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The Relativity of Success

     Success comes in many forms and is relative to the individual.  We are all trying to make it through life as best we can and are fighting battles every day.  Our success is measured by our perseverance.  We push towards making a difference to benefit our well-being.  Take drug addicts and alcoholics, for example, who go through a rehabilitation program to get their lives back in order.  To them, this is a success, because they are better off than they were previously.  People on the outside may see this as a success as well.  Others may judge them and say their success is just fixing the mistakes they made in life.  Whatever side of the spectrum you might lean on, both opinions lead to the same conclusion.  These people are doing something to change their lives which will most likely lead to living a happier life.
     People tend to compare their success in life with that of someone else’s.  The reason why this is so damaging is that everybody goes through life differently.  Not only do we all have different personalities and interests, but we are born and live in different environments.  As a result, success can occur in any stage of life depending on the individual.  We cannot look at another’s success, compare it to our own and put ourselves down for not having it.  Rather, we need to focus on carving our own path, creating our own success stories which lead to the life we want to achieve.  If anything, a person’s success should be used as motivation to work harder in life.
     I would often put myself down for not having the success of people I admired, especially when some of them were my own age.  I thought that if I was not successful by my mid 20’s then I would be a failure and there was no hope.  I later realized how wrong I was.  I read a book called ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, by Robert T. Kiyosaki, where he talks about his path to success.  At one point, he and his wife had no money and were living in their car.  He did not achieve the level of success he wanted until his mid-thirties, the early forties.  By then he was a millionaire and had everything he could ever want.  That stuck with me as it was the first sign that success comes with time as long as you persevere.  Another sign was that of a content creator on who was middle-aged.  His success on Youtube came after living half his life as another face in the crowd.  Today, he is able to travel, talk to his fans, and achieved his dream job.
     If you are trying to succeed in life, do not give up.  Perseverance is the key to success no matter how old you are.  We owe it to ourselves to work towards a better life.  Do not be discouraged by those who are already successful; celebrities, wealthy people, or even your family and friends.  We all become successful in our own way and have a unique story to go with it.  Focus on what your story will be.

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🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'So Far (It's Alright)' by The 1975!

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