Positivity can make life much more enjoyable, especially during times of crisis. The reason why people have such a hard time being positive is that it is easier to be negative. This is because of the environment most of us live in. Many people around us are quick to look at the negatives in a situation, and eventually, this rubs off on us, making it more difficult to see the positives down the road. We need to hold onto this positivity in order to be happy, otherwise, we will succumb to the hardships of life.
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Song of the Blog
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One of the most common ways to boost your mood is to smile. People underestimate the power of a smile. It has been proven to boost your mood when feeling down, making you, and by extension others, happier. Smiles also open yourself up to changing your mindset overall, making you more inclined to look at the positives of a situation rather than just the negatives. They make you realize everything will be ok, and dwelling on the negative aspects of the situation does nothing but stunt recovery. It can be difficult to remember to smile in the beginning, but once you get into the habit, it becomes much easier, and the benefits start to show.
People also forget the power of changing one's mindset to a positive one. Life is like a roller coaster, having many high and low points throughout. We enjoy the high points, but many do not know how to handle the low points, which causes them to doubt happiness will come again. They end up expecting negativity to come into their lives, and as a result of this mindset, anything that happens in the future becomes much harder to deal with. However, simply remembering life is filled with good times and bad can have the power to change one's mood. Telling yourself that everything will be OK multiple times is also a great way to remain positive. Life can be difficult, but it does not mean it will always be so. We all have good memories and bad ones, but the bad memories do not define our entire lives. What defines us is our willingness to push forward, resist the temptation to be negative, and enjoy life as it lies.
There will always be negativity in the world, but we do not have to succumb to it. Rather, we should embrace it, and when tragedy strikes or someone tries to bring us down, remain positive rather than give in. If we do this, while also teaching others to do so, we can make a difference. Positivity will always be a rare commodity, but people have, and always will appreciate those who take the extra step to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Those who remain positive give others the strength to push forward. The more of those people we have, the better off humanity will be. Be one of those people today, and make a difference.
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Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "Happy," by Pharrell Williams
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