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Finding Your Creativity - 5 Methods

     Creativity is an invaluable resource and the backbone to human progression.  Every advancement made throughout human history was the result of someone’s creative and intellectual mind.  Planes, trains, and automobiles are great examples.  However, creativity is not used solely for the progression of mankind.  Creativity can also be used in an individual’s everyday life to make life easier and more enjoyable.  People use their creativity to solve problems, make their daily routine more efficient and less time consuming, as well as for entertainment purposes.  If you have ever made up a story in your head while bored you know what I am talking about, or if you played with action figures, inanimate objects, or roleplaying games.
     As kids, we seem to have a limitless supply of creativity.  Much of that has to do with our curiosity, innocence, and lack of responsibility.  However, some ‘grow up’ and believe using their imagination is ‘childish.’  Others get out of the habit of using their imagination due to increased responsibilities, daily routines, and comfort.  Either way, the people doing so, in my opinion, are limiting themselves.  As previously stated, people have used creativity to make great strides.  To say creativity is childish is not only ignorant but also self-harming.  Imagine a world where everybody used their creativity to better themselves and others regularly.  People would be happier, felt like they had more of a purpose, and more confident.  Instead, many people limit themselves, believing they are either uncreative or do not believe creativity is worth putting time into.  I am here to say that you are creative and it is worth the time.  Most likely, those who think this way do so because they do not know how to move towards a creative mindset.  Thankfully, there are many ways to do so.

1. Inspiration & Creativity Through Hobbies
     Think of something you like; reading, writing, exercise, etc.  Most of the time, our passions are what inspire us to be creative, form ideas, and act upon them.  For example, I enjoy writing and giving advice.  My passion for these two hobbies inspired me to create Scanlon Blogs.  I also enjoy video games and am using this as inspiration for future projects.  The same logic can be applied to your own life using your own passions.  We already enjoy what we do in our spare time, so why not use that as the catalyst for inspiration and creativity?  Most likely, what you come up with will be something you will enjoy working on in your spare time.  This can be mentally and even monetarily rewarding depending on the idea.  The more you do this, the easier it will be to find inspiration through other avenues of life, be creative, and find more enjoyment in what you love.
2. A Willingness to Learn
     The more you learn the fewer limitations that will hold you back.  Inspiration gives us the opportunity to create, but acting on ideas can require new experiences.  Wanting a six-pack, for example, may inspire a person to create a workout routine, but without the proper education, they may not reach the goal.  A goal like that requires research into the best workouts to perform, what to eat, how often to go to the gym, etc.  By learning how to do so, the person is no longer held back by limiting factors, allowing themselves to be more creative.  They may end up using their newfound knowledge for other creative projects, such as exercise videos, workout routines for others, or health and fitness blogs.  Because they learned the material necessary to complete their original goal, they are now only limited by their imagination.  The bottom line is, creativity is much more abundant when a person has the knowledge to act upon their ideas.
3. Listen to Music
     As I stated in my blog, “The Power & Importance of Music,” music has the power to evoke people’s true emotions.  Because of this, music can also inspire others to be both creative and step out of their comfort zone.  When we listen to a song we enjoy, whether it be happy, sad, or in between, we often think about different aspects of life.  Love, happiness, and hardship are some examples.  By thinking about life’s aspects, we often contemplate what we would like to change.  Sometimes this involves being creative.  For example, someone who is overweight and listening to motivational songs may be inspired to lose weight.  This, in turn, would mean they would have to get creative and think of ways to accomplish their goal.  Comparatively, I often use music as a way to get into a creative mindset.  This often gets me into the writing mood, and I notice a stark difference in my writing style.  Often, I seem to write with ease and with more creativity.  So, the next time you are in a funk or have run out of ideas, listen to some music, let your mind wander, and see what happens.
4. Rest & Relaxation
     We all have daily responsibilities to attend to, and often times we can overwork ourselves as a result.  This not only lowers our quality of life but can also prevent us from being creative.  We need to have some rest and relaxation from time to time.  You may believe that you do not have the time to slow down, but that is not the case.  Look at your daily routine and find a period you could move around.  Use that time to recharge your batteries; go on a walk, take a nap, read, etc.  Do whatever makes you feel refreshed.  While enjoying your break, try to allocate some time to be creative.  It could be as simple as changing a portion of your routine to starting a new project.  Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep at night.  Without sleep, you will not be as productive or motivated as you could be.  Whatever the case, relaxing will clear your mind, lower your stress, and give you the opportunity to think differently.
5. Consistency Is Key
     Like anything, the only way to see progress is to be consistent.  Those who do not believe they are creative should try to think creatively at least once a day.  Think of something simple at first and later on gradually think bigger.  Doing this on a daily basis will allow you to open your mind to the possibilities.  Those who struggle with managing their time due to routine restrictions, try using creativity to make your routine more efficient.  Either way, this will allow you to think differently than what you are used to.  You will most likely see a change in your mood, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.  There is no downside to being creative, so why not make it a habit?
Be sure to add Scanlon Blogs to your reading list!

Have anything to add?  Let me know how you feel in the comments!

Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "Dream On," by Aerosmith!

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