Music has been an important part of my life and the lives of many others. There is something about music that is so powerful and inspiring. We actively use music as a means of coming together, feeling emotions, and finding comfort through tough times. It is one of the greatest innovations of humanity, and I firmly believe everyone should listen to music because of its power and importance. Here are five reasons why.
1. Evokes True Emotion
Death and music are the two instances that draw out a person’s true emotion. With death, we often reminisce on the past. During funeral services, we talk about how much they meant to us and what we liked about them. We also think deeply about life itself, wondering what we could change to make it better, our purpose, etc. The problem is, we speak so highly of our loved ones only after they have passed, and we seldom contemplate life and its aspects outside of tragedy. Death focuses our mind on what truly matters; the people you love, the memories shared, the joy of life. Outside of death, we are focused on work, school, and other responsibilities. We become comfortable in our routine, which includes our loved ones being around. When this occurs, we are less likely to think “outside the box,” forgetting to cherish those around us and ask ourselves deep questions regarding life and its mysteries.
Music evokes the same emotions as death without the occurrence of tragedy. When you listen to a song, your mind wanders and will bring out particular emotions deep inside. Like death, you begin to think about the various aspects of your life; where you are, who and what is important, how you want to move forward. That moment of contemplation and analysis is powerful enough to change your mood and future actions. You may listen to a love song and call up your spouse to tell them you love them, or you may hear a song about family giving you the urge to visit them. A happy song may fill you with energy and the confidence to do something you have never done before. Music can also make you feel as if you are not alone, which is why many people who listen to sad songs when depressed feel better upon doing so.
2. Reduced Stress & Anxiety
Music causes the mind to focus on certain aspects and clear itself of others, which is why music can lower stress and anxiety levels. Everyday life can be exhausting, especially when the list of responsibilities grow. While listening to music, the mind is no longer focused on the stress of life. Rather, we tend to center our attention on the beauty of the song and the emotion it creates. In a brief moment, we forget about our worries and let our mind wander, and when we return to reality, we see our fears have loosened their grip. We have successfully rejuvenated ourselves to the point where we can stare into the face of struggle and smile, knowing there is beauty on the other side.
3. Increased Focus
The noises of the outside world continuously cloud our minds and can prevent us from reaching our full potential. To accomplish a goal, we need to be focused, and music is a great way to do so. Music is constant, harmonious, and calming, enough so that it can drown out the distractions around you. As a result, you are now focused on what is being listened to, and depending on the music, it can actually aid in accomplishing goals such as writing, drawing, working, etc. Essentially, music acts as a pair of calming headphones, becoming the white noise which allows you to focus on a singular task. This allows for faster, more efficient work to be done while clearing the mind of unnecessary static. Classical and instrumental music are some of the best genres to experience this.
4. Music is Linked to Memories
The fondest memories of my childhood are brought back to me when I hear a particular song. George Winston, Celtic Women, the Narada Christmas Collection, they all hold songs which remind me of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and great times spent with my loved ones. Sometimes, a song will even remind me of something I have not thought about in years. You most likely have similar stories. Music is powerful in this way and allows for the creation and holding of memories. Our subconscious picks up whatever music was playing during the good and bad events of our lives; birthdays, family parties, our childhood, breakups, deaths, struggles, etc. The emotion we produce during these events can be so powerful that what we hear becomes a spark, igniting a flashback. Although this can be both positive and negative, there is no denying the benefits to hearing a song and reminiscing on the good times, especially if it is a classic tune.
5. Music Brings People Together
You see it everywhere; concerts, movies, events, music brings people together in more ways than one. People will plan to go listen to their favorite performers play live, having a good time throughout, and enjoying their company. Those who compose music, sing, or play an instrument also have the opportunity to spread their message when bringing people together. If someone wants to spread more positive thoughts to a large audience, someone like John Mayer could do that. So, not only are people able to come together for the joy of music, but the music itself allows those who utilize it to change the world. It is truly a creative and inspiring way to make a difference in the lives of others.
Let me know how you feel in the comments!
Song of the Blog
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1. Evokes True Emotion
Death and music are the two instances that draw out a person’s true emotion. With death, we often reminisce on the past. During funeral services, we talk about how much they meant to us and what we liked about them. We also think deeply about life itself, wondering what we could change to make it better, our purpose, etc. The problem is, we speak so highly of our loved ones only after they have passed, and we seldom contemplate life and its aspects outside of tragedy. Death focuses our mind on what truly matters; the people you love, the memories shared, the joy of life. Outside of death, we are focused on work, school, and other responsibilities. We become comfortable in our routine, which includes our loved ones being around. When this occurs, we are less likely to think “outside the box,” forgetting to cherish those around us and ask ourselves deep questions regarding life and its mysteries.
Music evokes the same emotions as death without the occurrence of tragedy. When you listen to a song, your mind wanders and will bring out particular emotions deep inside. Like death, you begin to think about the various aspects of your life; where you are, who and what is important, how you want to move forward. That moment of contemplation and analysis is powerful enough to change your mood and future actions. You may listen to a love song and call up your spouse to tell them you love them, or you may hear a song about family giving you the urge to visit them. A happy song may fill you with energy and the confidence to do something you have never done before. Music can also make you feel as if you are not alone, which is why many people who listen to sad songs when depressed feel better upon doing so.
2. Reduced Stress & Anxiety

3. Increased Focus

4. Music is Linked to Memories

5. Music Brings People Together

Let me know how you feel in the comments!
Song of the Blog
Today's Song of the Blog is "Forever (The Proposal)," by Thad Fiscella
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