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Showing posts from April, 2019

The Fear of Death & Its Irrationality

     When our time comes, and we have lived our lives to the fullest, a new chapter begins.  That chapter is death, and often times we are afraid of it.  We are afraid of death not for what it is but for what it implies; the unknown, change and leaving our old lives behind.  Humans fear change and the unknown because we actively seek comfort, stability, and happiness.  These aspects have a chance of providing what we seek, but they can also cause pain, instability, and sadness.  We may end up feeling lost or unsure of what happens next.  When it comes to death, it is different from regular unknowing and change, because the only way to understand death is to experience it for ourselves.  We cannot imitate death nor can we truly understand what happens until it is our time to move on.  This, as well as the thought of leaving everything you have built behind, can make death even more frightening.  However, we should not fear death...

Finding Your Creativity - 5 Methods

     Creativity is an invaluable resource and the backbone to human progression.   Every advancement made throughout human history was the result of someone’s creative and intellectual mind.   Planes, trains, and automobiles are great examples.   However, creativity is not used solely for the progression of mankind.   Creativity can also be used in an individual’s everyday life to make life easier and more enjoyable.   People use their creativity to solve problems, make their daily routine more efficient and less time consuming, as well as for entertainment purposes.   If you have ever made up a story in your head while bored you know what I am talking about, or if you played with action figures, inanimate objects, or roleplaying games.      As kids, we seem to have a limitless supply of creativity.   Much of that has to do with our curiosity, innocence, and lack of responsibility.   However, some ‘grow up’ a...

The Keys to Motivation - Attainment & Maintenance

     Motivation is what pushes us to success.  Without motivation, we would not accomplish the personal or professional goals we set for ourselves.  Therefore, it is important we not only attain a healthy level of motivation but maintain that level to push forward.  This can be difficult, because life has a habit of being difficult, and not everything goes to plan.  People end up losing motivation because of the difficulties, but I am here to say the grass is greener on the other side.  Here are the keys to the attainment and maintenance of motivation. 1. Understand Perseverance      Success is like a flower.   When a seed is planted, the flower does not mature instantly.   Rather, flowers take time to grow, having to be watered, fertilized, and given enough sunlight throughout the process.   Eventually, after enough time has passed, having been cared for properly, and sometimes with a little luck, the fl...

The Power & Simplicity of Positivity

     Positivity can make life much more enjoyable, especially during times of crisis.  The reason why people have such a hard time being positive is that it is easier to be negative.  This is because of the environment most of us live in.  Many people around us are quick to look at the negatives in a situation, and eventually, this rubs off on us, making it more difficult to see the positives down the road.  We need to hold onto this positivity in order to be happy, otherwise, we will succumb to the hardships of life.      One of the most common ways to boost your mood is to smile.  People underestimate the power of a smile.  It has been proven to boost your mood when feeling down, making you, and by extension others, happier.  Smiles also open yourself up to changing your mindset overall, making you more inclined to look at the positives of a situation rather than just the negatives.  They make you realize everyt...

The Power & Importance of Music

     Music has been an important part of my life and the lives of many others.  There is something about music that is so powerful and inspiring.  We actively use music as a means of coming together, feeling emotions, and finding comfort through tough times.  It is one of the greatest innovations of humanity, and I firmly believe everyone should listen to music because of its power and importance.  Here are five reasons why. 1. Evokes True Emotion      Death and music are the two instances that draw out a person’s true emotion.  With death, we often reminisce on the past.  During funeral services, we talk about how much they meant to us and what we liked about them.  We also think deeply about life itself, wondering what we could change to make it better, our purpose, etc.  The problem is, we speak so highly of our loved ones only after they have passed, and we seldom contemplate life and its aspects outside of tra...

The Positives of Past Relationships

     Many people believe when a relationship does not work out, the person they associated with was a waste of time.  Those who deceive, lie, cheat, or cause us grief were once people we thought of as friends, family, and trusted companions.  Then, one day, we realize they were not worth our time, or they do something to prove it themselves, but that does not mean they were a waste of time.  The fact of the matter is, everyone we meet teaches us something; patience, honesty, will, integrity, determination, loyalty, etc.  Although the person may not have been worthwhile in the long-term, what they taught us certainly is.  People are not a waste of time, because they teach us valuable life experiences to take into consideration for the future.  We mature, become stronger, and learn more about ourselves when we go through heartache, heartbreak, or loss.        Past relationships help us understand what we do and do not want...

The Benefits of Hardship

     Hardship, something everyone goes through from time to time, a situation which can cause the person involved anxiety, stress, depression, etc.  These situations can be damaging to some and life-destroying to others, or so you think.  Hardship is difficult, yes, and it can be damaging, but sometimes this damage is needed.  There are occurrences where damage ensues and the person heals, strengthens, and moves forward.      Hardship can be tougher than it has to be because we expect so much and can receive so little of what we hoped.  Nothing is absolute, and life can change almost immediately.  This should not demotivate us nor should it make us wary of the future.  We cannot base the future on our past, else we dwell and hinder our progress.  We plan in a world of unpredictability, and when tragedy strikes, we feel lost.  Our expectations, when unmet, enhance whatever negative feelings we may harbor towards real...