Have you ever set a goal for yourself only to lose interest later down the line? This happens to a lot of people and is usually the result of biting off more than you can chew. Contrary to popular belief, multitasking is not something people can do. If we don’t focus on one particular subject at a time, the quality of what we are doing will suffer. This is why I encourage everybody to take baby steps when it comes to goal setting. Do not set multiple goals at once and expect to follow through with every single one at once. Doing this will decrease the motivation to continue because you feel less likely to succeed the more overworked you feel. Think of the goals you have set for yourself in the past or present. Now, take one particular goal and focus on it. Keep the others in mind but focus on your chosen one in particular. Once you succeed at achieving this goal, choose another one....
Scanlon Blogs
Hello and thanks for reading! My name is Scanlon, and welcome to my blog! I blog about what I feel and the lessons I've learned throughout my life, among other things! Maybe I'll help someone along the way. If that's something you'd be interested in, stick around. I post new blogs every WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY.