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The Importance of Taking Baby Steps

     Have you ever set a goal for yourself only to lose interest later down the line?   This happens to a lot of people and is usually the result of biting off more than you can chew.   Contrary to popular belief, multitasking is not something people can do.   If we don’t focus on one particular subject at a time, the quality of what we are doing will suffer.   This is why I encourage everybody to take baby steps when it comes to goal setting.   Do not set multiple goals at once and expect to follow through with every single one at once.   Doing this will decrease the motivation to continue because you feel less likely to succeed the more overworked you feel.      Think of the goals you have set for yourself in the past or present.  Now, take one particular goal and focus on it.  Keep the others in mind but focus on your chosen one in particular.  Once you succeed at achieving this goal, choose another one....

Three Life-Long Lessons to Remember #2

     Do you need a reminder of what is important in life?  How about the proper way to handle a situation when feeling angry or stressed?  If so, you have come to the right place.  If you know these bits of information already, just remember its important to be reminded every now and again.  So, without further adieu, here are three life-long lessons to remember #2. 1. Money Isn’t Everything      Wouldn’t it be nice if tomorrow, you won the lottery?   The sheer joy you’d feel would probably be something you’ve never experienced before.   What would you do with the money: buy a house, go on an exotic vacation, quit your job?   When this type of pleasure flows over you, the possibilities feel endless.   No matter what you do, being financially free would make you happy, at least for a while.   Eventually, you would want something more than just financial freedom.   Having money is great, but what ...

The Importance of Being Humble

     Where does the line between a healthy ego and cockiness lie?  Even with a healthy ego, when is the right time to show it?  Ego shows a level of self-confidence, but inflating it too much can have negative consequences.  Have you ever met someone who came off as cocky or all-knowing?  These people are often thought of as narcissistic, intimidating, and/or selfish.  There are many reasons why acting egotistical is often looked at negatively.  Someone who puts themselves on a pedestal usually ends up being less than average in whatever they are doing.  When making a mistake or questioned on their 'less than exceptional' performance, they will often look to place the blame on someone else.   They rarely take responsibility and, in many instances, believe they are superior to their peers, friends, and colleagues.  We all think this way from time to time, but there is a difference between thinking and verbally declarin...

The Importance of Giving PT.2 - the Dos and Don'Ts

     Should we expect to be praised for our deeds or to receive nothing in return?  Does ego play a role in generosity or is humbleness a necessary mindset?  A year ago, we talked about the importance of giving and how beneficial it is to both the giver and the receiver (Link here if interested: ).  We also talked about how happiness comes from giving and helping others and how material wealth only goes so far.  What we did not discuss is what we should anticipate and the proper way to behave throughout the process.  The art of giving involves understanding the dos and don'ts based on the situation at hand.  Not every instance of generosity will include the same factors as the previous one.      Do you believe kindness should be met with a reward?  I personally believe it depends on the situation, but we should never expect to be rewarded.  If you g...

The Meaning of Thanksgiving - a Few Words to Remember

     Tonight's blog will be shorter than usual due to Thanksgiving, but I still wanted to leave you guys with a few things to remember.  Thanksgiving, or any holiday for that matter, is about family, friends, and making memories, wouldn't you agree?  Personally, I love being able to see my extended family, even if it's for a short while.  The holiday season is, to some, the only time they are able to get together with family and enjoy their company.  Sometimes we need to be reminded of this, so we remember to enjoy the time spent together.  Even if you do not get along with some of your family members, times like these are perfect for making amends if possible.  Do you have any memories like this?  If so, I would love to hear them in the comments.  Overall, remember that Thanksgiving is more than just about eating but sharing a moment with those you love.  Happy Thanksgiving everybody and I hope your day is filled with food, fa...

How Fate and Personality Intertwine

     We are born with a unique personality which is then shaped by the environment we grow up in, but how does this play a role in what we call fate?  Our personalities determine our likes, dislikes, thoughts, opinions, and the choices we make throughout our lives.  We consider fate to be events beyond our control.  We often believe what transpires from these events is supposed to happen without our knowledge and are determined by the universe.  However, I believe our unique personalities intertwine with fate.  Our personalities shape us into who we are and determine how we handle life events.  Fate, in my opinion, is the initial event that we cannot control.  What happens afterward is determined by our personality and the paths we choose to walk.      What if a nuclear apocalypse decimated the world today and you were one of the survivors?  How would you deal with the aftermath, and would you consider these choi...