Communication is the key to success in all aspects of life. We often assume people know how we are feeling, but this is not the case. Nobody truly understands how you are feeling unless you tell them. To quote Eleanor Roosevelt, “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realize how seldom they do.”
The Importance of Communication
communication, we tend to overthink, overreact, and become emotional. We lack answers so we make them up in our
heads. Small problems become big
problems real quick, and we may lash out at the other person. If you
don’t know what’s going on in the other person’s head, how can you expect to
understand their way of thinking?
When we communicate, we learn from the other
person’s perspective. Instead of
using our own perception to justify something, we learn the real reason behind
someone’s actions, thoughts, or emotions.
It not only gives the other person a chance to feel heard but it can
open your eyes to the reality of the situation.
Communication & Relationships
If you’re currently
in a relationship, think about the first time you met your partner. What did you talk about? What kind of questions did you ask? That conversation, and those that followed, gave
you valuable insight into who you were dating.
You constantly learn more about
your partner by communicating, so why would you stop?
A lack of communication leads to a lack of
understanding. You chose to be
together based on who you were in the beginning, but we are always evolving,
always changing. If we fail to
communicate, we fail to update our knowledge of the other person. This can cause a rift, and the person may
become more of a stranger than a partner.
This can lead to fights, high emotions, and worst of all questioning the
entire relationship. Much of this can be avoided if you both
make the choice to communicate.
If you are IN a position where tensions are high, do yourself a favor and talk to your partner. So
much of what has been damaged can be repaired if the effort is made. Some pills may be hard to swallow, but if you
truly love the person, it will be worth the heartache. If all goes well, your relationship will not only be repaired but stronger than ever.
You may come to find that the relationship isn’t working, and that is okay. Sometimes people aren’t a good fit for each other. It’s better to end things through mutual understanding than a heated argument. You only get that type of closure through communication.
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