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The Importance of Being Humble

     Where does the line between a healthy ego and cockiness lie?  Even with a healthy ego, when is the right time to show it?  Ego shows a level of self-confidence, but inflating it too much can have negative consequences.  Have you ever met someone who came off as cocky or all-knowing?  These people are often thought of as narcissistic, intimidating, and/or selfish.  There are many reasons why acting egotistical is often looked at negatively.  Someone who puts themselves on a pedestal usually ends up being less than average in whatever they are doing.  When making a mistake or questioned on their 'less than exceptional' performance, they will often look to place the blame on someone else.   They rarely take responsibility and, in many instances, believe they are superior to their peers, friends, and colleagues.  We all think this way from time to time, but there is a difference between thinking and verbally declaring superiority.
     I encourage you to talk about your achievements and success but do so with a level of humbleness.  Being humble, in my opinion, is beneficial in three ways.  For one, it shows a level of discipline many people do not have.  You know when to hold your tongue, think about what to say before speaking,  and understand the implications.  Second, being humble often leads to the respect of family, friends, and colleagues.  You come across as friendly, easy to talk to, and well-grounded, something many people respect and admire.  Lastly, some of the mistakes you make will be less impactful to your character and/or reputation.  When we declare superiority or expertise and fail to live up to expectation, people notice.  These same people often lose respect for us, labeling us as liars or untrustworthy.  When we are humble, we set a realistic standard of performance.  We do our best and take responsibility for our mistakes.  People are more inclined to listen and give second chances to those who show remorse and take responsibility for their actions.
     It is important to remember that being humble is a mindset, similar to being egotistical or cocky.  This is good news because, like I have said in previous blogs, a mindset is something that can be altered.  The individual just has to be willing to make a change and put in the effort.  Do you feel the need to make a change?  If so, the next time you have the urge to overshare, think about what you are going to say.  Being humble is not about being silent, it is about discipline and speaking with a confident, but controlled, demeanor.  Share your stories, thoughts, and opinions but do so with lax pride.
     Humbleness is not weakness, it is strength through restraint.  Some of the greatest leaders turn out to be reserved and humble people.  Abraham Lincoln is a great example.  You may also have someone close to you who is humble.  Learn from these great people and follow in their footsteps.  Everybody likes to feel good about themselves, but you can do so without being full of yourself.  Most likely, you'll have a better chance of succeeding by being humble than being cocky.  Overall, being humble can lead to a happier, calmer life, something we all strive for.  What do you think?

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Have anything to add?  Let me know how you feel in the comments! ✏️

🎶 Song of the Blog 
Today's Song of the Blog is 'Slow Burn' by Kasey Musgraves!

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