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The First Blog - Nice to Meet You!

     To whoever reads this, welcome!  This is the first blog post I have ever attempted to write, so bear with me as I am still learning.  Let me introduce myself.  My name is Scanlon (SCAN-LIN), and I am an avid writer who is looking to help people, to make them laugh, and to make them smile.  To some, that may seem cheesy, but I honestly love to help people, and I have always believed that the best way to do that is through my writing.

     I enjoy writing about life and its mysteries.  I often look deeper into things than the average 
person, and I always find the best in people, giving them the benefit of the doubt.  I try my best to understand everyone’s situations, viewpoints, and opinions, because at the end of the day, there are multiple answers to the same question.  I look at life as science, everything is theoretical, the only conclusion is that there is more to learn.

     The goal of this blog is to share my thoughts and beliefs with people who may find comfort in my words.  I am no expert on anything, but I am just like you, just a person trying to find their way, taking it one day at a time.  If I could give you one piece of advice in this introductory blog post, it’s that everyone has problems, and more often than not what you are going through is something others have gone through.  You are not alone and never will be.  Together, we will find some common good in this world and make the most out of it, because in a world which can be so dark, we need light.  Writing is my light, so are my family and friends.  If something makes you happy, and it doesn’t cause any harm to you or others, hold onto it.  You know yourself better than anyone, and you deserve to be happy.  Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.  That is why I write.  I know myself, and I know that I am not the only one who could think the way I do, so here, today, I am looking for those who want to listen, maybe even learn something in the process.

     If what I have said interests you, then consider sticking around.  There is more to come.  If you have anything you would like me to talk about in a blog post, whether it be advice or a crazy fact you heard the other day, I would love to hear about it!  I look forward to hearing from all of you and to start this journey.  It’s going to be a wild ride, but it will be a memorable one.  Thank you for reading.  I’ll be seeing you.
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